Part Twenty-eight

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Without hesitation, Sean dropped down beside me and quickly went to work. I couldn't help but cry about what had just happened. Jacob ran out and quickly came back with an ice pack. I took it and placed it on Peter's head, holding it as Sean had to roll Peter over to his stomach. Sean carefully bandaged every wound that Peter had received.

After Sean finished the first aid and backed away, Peter slowly opened his eyes. Sean and Jacob backed up to the wall by the door to give some space. Sean and I, by this time, had rolled Peter onto his side to face towards me. He tried to keep his eyes open and understandably could not. I looked over to Sean and Jacob who were watching with concern. Sean put down the medical kit and stepped out of the room with Jacob following.

Once a few moments had passed, I moved over to sit against the wall that Peter would usually sit against. I saw the bruising around his ribs as I looked over at Peter. Sean did say that Peter definitely had fractured ribs. Thankfully, they were not fully broken. I slowly lifted Peter's head and carefully put the pillow under him. Sean and Jacob walked back in. Sean had food for lunch and Jacob had another ice pack for Peter's head. We all sat silently while eating. We didn't want to disturb Peter as he was asleep.

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