Part Thirty-four

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Jacob and I looked at each other with excited glances. I jumped up, while being slowed down by my back, and hugged Peter. I made sure not to squeeze too tightly. I looked up at Peter who was also smiling.

We waited for Sean to walk into the room. It didn't take long. Peter explained what Sean didn't get to hear in the meeting. We then spent time coming up with a plan. It was sort of complicated, but I probably had some of the easiest parts in the plan. Now all we had to do was wait.

By the time 9:30 came around, I was feeling more tired than I have ever been in the last few weeks. With Peter right beside me, I fell asleep easily. I felt Peter rest a hand on my shoulder right before my vision went dark and my mind went blank. A quick sense of warmth ran through me, making it easier to fall asleep. I couldn't wait to wake up in the morning.

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