Part Twenty-five

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I heard new noises as I entered the room today. Still blindfolded, I could only listen to my surroundings. I heard more footsteps than I usually did. I could also here a shift of protest from someone else in the room. I think they're in a chair due to the small screech I heard as the movement happened.

After a few minutes of small chatter from the people I heard in the room, someone stepped up behind me to pull off the blindfold. Before they did they said, "I hope you enjoy your time here today." I admittedly was very much creeped out by this.

The blindfold finally dropped from my head to reveal what I was not expecting. I sat frozen as I saw blood slowly dripping from his cheek from a single blow to the face. Peter stared at me with sorry eyes as I watched the blood from his wound. A bruise around the cut had already formed. The colour showed that he was bunched not that long ago. Now I know what Peter was talking about.

Suddenly, one of the masked men drew back his fist and struck Peter on the jaw. I yelled in protest as Peter spat out blood that had gathered in his mouth. I started to cry, still protesting against what was happening. A man's voice raised over my cries. He then asked if Peter was trying to find a way to get me to escape. I instantly shook my head in response. With another quick motion, the masked man drove his fist straight into Peter's stomach. I yelled again in protest with Peter coughing and wheezing. He tried to steady his gaze on me.

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