Part Twenty-three

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A few weeks have now gone by with the same routine every day. I wake up around 7:00 am with Peter still sitting against the wall. Around 11:15, I'm brought into a room by the same three masked men. Only this time, instead of being tortured and beaten, they only question me. After that, they bring me back and Sean brings me lunch. I then have some time to talk to Jacob and Sean for the rest of the time with Sean bringing dinner in between. I don't see Peter as often throughout the day. I only really see him in the morning before I get questioned and before I fall asleep.

This was the way it was until one night when Peter didn't come before I fell asleep. Instead, Jacob came in. I asked him if he knew what Peter was doing but he had no clue. Thinking he was just busy, I brushed it off and continued the conversation with Jacob. Once it got to around 9:30, Jacob left to let me sleep. I drifted off fairly quickly, but worry wouldn't stop running through my mind. That night I could not sleep no matter how hard I tried. I was too used to having Peter in the room to keep me company and make sure I was safe.

By the time morning came, I had only got an hours sleep collectively. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Peter. Sean came in, stopping my train of thought. We both smiled in greeting before he stepped to the side. An even larger smile came across my face as Peter walked in. I jumped up, with a bit of pain from my back still, and ran over to hug him. As I did, he put his own arms around me in a warm greeting. When I pulled away to look at him, he looked uneasy.

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