Part Thirty-seven

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I looked back before opening the car door. Sean was half way between the car and the door to the building. He looked back and said, "Someone has to stay behind. We can't all go without being found right away."

Before I could protest, he started running back to the building. I opened the car door, quickly getting in. As we pulled away, a gunshot followed by a loud bang took me by surprise. This did not phase Peter, who was driving, or Jacob in any way. Taking a sudden turn, so that they couldn't find us right away, I felt relieved, overjoyed, and also sad. I wished that Sean had just come with us. I could only imagine what was going to happen to him. I leaned back, feeling fatigue washing over me. With a great struggle, I stayed awake.

After about an hour's drive, we pulled over to a motel. Jacob and I stayed in the car while Peter went a paid for a room. Seeing Peter walk back out with a room key, Jacob and I both got out of the car to follow Peter. Walking into the room after Peter unlocked it, I was impressed. The room was very nice compared to other motels that I've stayed at.

"You can have the bed. Peter, I'll sleep on the floor in the other small room and leave you the couch." Jacob said after he closed the door behind us. Peter nodded as I smiled to Jacob. I fell onto the bed on my stomach. I felt even more tired than I did before. I kicked off my shoes and buried myself under the fluffy quilt and rested my head on the soft pillows. I also enjoyed the much comfier mattress as well.

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