Part Twenty-six

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The man asked the same question with me giving the same answer. Peter was struck in the head with an even harder punch than the other two. Peter was in a daze. He spat out more blood, smiled then laughed. "Is that the best you can do?" he said. I didn't understand how he was being humorous in a time like this. That remark had an aggressive reply. The masked man took Peter from the chair and dragged him to the middle of the room that had a wooden post. He tied Peter to the post then ripped a hole in the back of Peter's military dress shirt and motioned over the masked man with the whip. Peter looked at me before the device that brought stinging pain contacted his back. I had to look away.

When I looked back, a red mark of blood started to show. Peter made no sound as the whip had contacted his back. I cried even more. I screamed at them to stop but they only wrapped a cloth around my mouth and head to muffle my screams. They whipped Peter many more times until his back was only red skin and blood. The man asked me the same question again. I had nothing to say other than to shake my head no. Peter looked up at me and mouthed the words, "Keep it up," as he was hit in the side with a wooden stick.

I winced as the stick made contact with Peter's ribs. The man asked me different questions now but they were all about if Peter has tried to help me escape in any way. I said no every time. With every answer as no, they would force another hit on Peter. They finally gave up as they reached their last question.

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