Part Thirty-six

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Peter nodded to Sean and Jacob, setting the plan in motion. We all stood up with Jacob and Sean walking out the door. Sean leaned back in, motioning both of us over. I followed closely behind Peter. After checking that no one was in sight, Jacob lead us down the hallway with Sean bringing up the rear. I walked beside Peter, slightly bumping into him. I started to feel nervous that we were going to get caught.

Jacob stopped at a corner. He looked around and signalled us to pass as he went up to two people that were a bit down the hallway. Peter put his hand around my head and placed it down on my shoulder. I small boost of confidence came to me as I saw that we were also almost at the exit. Jacob came slightly running up behind us. He said quietly that the people he saw would definitely not be following him.

Walking up to the door, Peter let me go up a bit more. This allowed me to be the first person to press against the door. As it swung open, the small breeze brushed against my face. It was almost as if the fresh air was inviting me back to the thrill. I took one deep breath before I was hurried along by Peter. Looking back, I saw a group of six people jogging down the hallway towards us. Peter took a key out of his pocket and remotely unlocked one of the cars. Seeing the lights flicker, I ran towards the one unlocked as fast as I could.

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