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As Mark finished paying, the woman turned back to him.

"Didn't you come here yesterday with your girlfriend?"

"I'm sorry, say what?" He asks the woman.

"Your girlfriend. Wasn't she with you here yesterday?"

Mark's head was spinning as he heard this.

Did people regard us like that?

"Oh! I think you're mistaken. She was a school friend of mine." He laughs normally, when in reality he was dying inside hid head.

"O-oh. I see how it is. I'm sorry." The lady apologizes while smiling at him and giving him his change.

"That's alright. Thank you!" He smiles as he exits the restaurant and catches up with the other guys waiting for him.

"I don't buy it." The woman at the counter says to her coworker next to her.

"Believe what?" She asks as she wiped down the counter.

"That they aren't dating! That's full on baloney. Did you see the way he looked at her?! It was young love!" The woman says.

"I think you're exaggerating it." The lady continues to wipe down the table.

"Who knows. Maybe I am. But that kid probably likes the girl."


"What took so long back there?" Jaehyun asked.

"Hmm? Oh, she thought I was somebody else haha." Mark chuckled it off as they walked back to Jaehyun's to finalize the project.

Ten though, grew suspicious that something had happened as you ranted to him yesterday.


You hear a knock from your door.

Ah. It's probably Mark.

Your heartbeat increased rapidly from your so-called "nervousness".

Shortie barks once at the door as you get up and get over to your door. Opening it you see him standing there, an angelic smile growing on his features.

"Hey!" He smiles at you. You were taken aback that it was a genuine smile and not his usual smirk.

"Hi." You sort of smile back. Mark's heart sped up as he saw your smile. To him, it could have probably killed a million people if you showed it again.

His heart sped up even more where he thought he was exercising right next to you.

You then move aside so he can come in. He stands there still for about 5 seconds before snapping back to reality and entering your apartment complex.

Your dog greets him again while barking out of happiness and running around in circles in front of him. Mark chuckles as he bends down and pets him while kissing the top of his head. Your dog barks out of happiness and circles around him while he walks over to where you were awaiting him.

"Sooo..." He says while sitting down.

"Sooo?" You repeat back to him, unsure about what he meant. He smiles and looks at you.

"How ya been?" He casually converses with you. You furrow your eyebrows and look at him weirdly. "Did I say something weird?" He asked.

"N-no, I just... ugh w-whatever, let's just finish this stupid report and get this over with." You awkwardly shift in your seat ad Mark nervously smiles as he knows he made you uncomfortable.

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