04. Wreak Havoc

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I can smell your fear
The only reason that I'm here
Is to wreak havoc
Everybody prayin' that I'll change, yeah
Maybe one day but tomorrow
I'll be back at it
-Wreak Havoc
-Skylar Grey


"Hey, I also said that!" I exclaimed.

"When?" Dylan asked.

Oh you know, I was just having a conversation with myself. Totally normal.

"I meant, I thought of that."

Dylan shook his head and asked, "So about your enemy..."

"Don't worry Dylan, he's not a threat. It's not a big deal."

Dylan kept quite for an extremely long time keeping his face expressionless.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from yelling at him to say something.

"He! You made an enemy that's a guy?" Dylan yelled.

"What's the difference if my enemy was a girl?"

Dylan rolled his eyes at my idiocy, "Riley, we don't know who he's got as spies to find you. We don't know if he's found you yet either. If you made an enemy that's a girl there's a less chance of her ever coming in contact with him or being a spy because he never includes girls in his gang. Now a guy on the other hand..."

I pondered over Dylan's theory.

"You've got a point, but then it would mean that any guy could be his spy anywhere, anytime so anyone could be watching me and reporting back to him. Whether my enemy is a guy or girl doesn't make any difference."

"Motive. Your enemy has a motive to tell him all he knows about you, including your location because he hates you just as much if he finds out where you are and your enemy isn't one of his spies." Dylan said coming to a stop outside my apartment.

I kept quiet at the thought of Ryder coming in contact with him.

Would Ryder really tell a stranger anything about me if he asked?

Yes! He despises you and clearly doesn't want you in his life.

"Tell me about your enemy."

"Well, he is a complete jerk and is in two of my classes. I also might be sitting with him tomorrow," I said.

"Are you crazy? Why would you sit with him?" Dylan asked turning to me with a shocked expression on his face.

I quickly explained about how Violet really wanted me to sit with her and her friends and that I agreed because she wouldn't leave me alone.

"Where does this guy fit in then?" Dylan asked.

"He's one of her friends, but he doesn't know I'm going to be sitting with them because no one told him yet!" I exclaimed leaning my head against the dashboard.

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