06. The Phoenix

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Hey Youngblood doesn't it feel
Like our time is running out
I'm going to change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Wearing all vintage misery
No I think it looked a little better on me
I'm going to change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
-The Phoenix
-Fall Out Boy


"You know, someone's going to have to clean this place up some day," Dylan said glaring at my body sprawled on my bed.

"The cleaning supplies are in the cupboard under the sink," I mumbled never taking my eyes off of my ceiling.

"As if! Get up and go do something productive you lazy frog!" Dylan exclaimed grabbing a hold of my foot and dragging me down my bed so that my feet touched the floor.

"It's Sunday! I don't have anything to do," I said irritated at being pulled out of my very productive activity.

Dylan raised his eyebrow, "Don't you have any homework?"

I internally groaned.

I did have homework. I had asked for an extension to complete my Romeo and Juliet assignment, and Miss Wilkins didn't look to happy about that and I did not want to get into her bad books.

"Maybe?" I asked nervously.

"Mhm, come on missy. House work and then homework. Seems like you've got your Sunday set out for you."

Dylan pulled me to my feet and dragged me to the kitchen so that I could get the cleaning supplies.

Oh yay housework...not.

"Why can't you do the housework?" I asked Dylan.

"Maybe because I have to go take care some stuff at the ring."

"The housework will still be here when you get back," I said waving the toilet detergent around in the air.

"I'm going to be gone for quite some time."


"You know what? I think I should stay for another week or two, just to make sure you're okay."

"No, never mind! Yes, housework aren't I living the life?" I quickly grabbed the cleaning supplies and sprinted off to the bathroom to start.

I lifted the seat of the toilet and groaned.

The joys of owning your own apartment.


After sweeping the whole apartment, cleaning the bathrooms, cleaning mine and Dylan's rooms and cleaning the kitchen I finally felt satisfied.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand where it was charging and went through my messages.

Noah Drew:
Riles ; )

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