09. Hall of Fame

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You can go the distance,
You can run the mile
You can walk straight through hell
With a smile
You can be the hero,
You can get the gold
Breaking all the records
They thought never could be broke
Do it for your people,
Do it for your pride
How are you ever gonna know
If you never even try?
-Hall of fame
-The Script


Dylan couldn't keep me on permanent lock down like he wanted. He didn't even really give me a punishment, just a lecture on how irresponsible I was.

I agreed with him because what person who's running from a complete psycho loses her phone in a public place where he could easily get a hold of.

Dylan threatened to put a tracker on me if I didn't start acting more responsibly. I still never told him about what happened on Friday and wasn't planning on anytime soon.

I know, I know that's stupid of me, but I didn't want him to start panicking. A whole four days have gone by since Friday without any suspicious activity.

Ryder didn't change.

I thought after all that happened on Monday, we would at least get along a bit better.

Nothing's changed.

Ryder has resorted to mostly avoiding my presence and the very few conversations we did have were tiny arguments.

It was only yesterday when Ryder had pushed me against the lockers and begged me to forgive him about insulting Dylan, meanwhile igniting feelings inside of me that shouldn't even be triggered by him.

It's only been a day, but I still thought that he would have at least been a little nice to me. He avoided be the whole day and he didn't show up to English.

He came to school looking like a complete mess, worse than the day he asked me to come to ice cream with the rest of the gang and when I asked Violet about Ryder's appearance, she just shrugged and said that he probably didn't get much sleep.

Aside from Ryder's sudden decision to avoid me the whole day of school, nothing much happened today.

Dylan had decided to train me just before my fight because my opponent wasn't going to be as easy to take down as my previous one.

"Riley, hit the bag not the air!" Dylan yelled at me.

We were in the warehouse where the fights took place, but it was completely deserted except for the two of us and a bodyguard standing at the door.

No noise could be heard except for the sound of skin connecting with leather coming from me. Turns out, the warehouse was full of empty rooms used for training.

Dylan had picked the room closest to the ring to train. The room was mostly empty except for a ring similar to the main one used for the fights. This one was smaller and had a leather punching bag in the middle of it.

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