Will's Little Party - Chapter 1

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I put some finishing touches to my hair and put on my sneakers. Even though I'm going to Will's little party, I've never been one to get overdressed. I grabbed my bag and locked the door. My apartment wasn't too far away from the club that the party was being held at which was good. I didn't feel it was necessary to call an Uber because of how close it was. A small amount of rain picked up so I jogged to the club. 

The clubs sign lit up basically all of the wet street. The bouncer let me in and I stood awkwardly looking for someone that I recognised when I got literally swept off my feet and up into the air. "What the- Will!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around him. We embraced for a while until he put me down. "You're still so small," Joked Will as I punched him lightly in the stomach. 

Will had been my first real friend when I moved to England and helped me when I needed help or someone to talk to. I spent nearly all of my time at Will's apartment but recently, I have barely seen him. He got two new roommates and was busy with work stuff. To be fair, my photography had become less of just a hobby and into a full-on job.

"Meet the lads," Said Will, revealing the guys standing behind him. There were two of them; both pretty short height-wise but then again, I was 5'6". "I'm Alex, nice to meet you." Said the boy with the cute brown hair. "Nice to meet you too," I said, smiling. "I'm George," said the other boy. He was cute. Really cute. "The name's Cassidy. Are you boys Will's roommates?" They both smiled and nodded. "No, just friends. We're flatmates though." 

We all made our ways over to a booth and sat down. While moving over to fit everyone in, I accidentally put my hand on top of George's. His hands were soft and warm which made me blushed. George looked at me and I noticed how kind his eyes were. "My hand?" Said George, being all cute and giggly. "Oh, right, sorry." We laughed. My cheeks felt hot as I just massively embarrassed myself in front of George. My overthinking thoughts about George were interrupted by Will squeezing my hand. 

"Fricking missed you loads, Cass!" Said Will, excitedly. "Missed you too Will," I said, putting my head on his shoulder. I noticed in the corner of my eye that when I put my head on Will's shoulder, George looked a bit uncomfortable. Will and I caught up with everything that was going on while Alex and George talked about what I assumed was youtube and stuff like that. 

"I'm going to get some drinks, what you guys want?" Asked Alex. "Lemonade please," I said to Alex politely. "I'll have a coke mate," said George. "I'll come big Al," told Alex while getting up. I watched them walking towards the bar and turned towards George. "You got social media?" I asked, already knowing the answer would be yes. We followed each other on Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter and were just finishing up when Alex and Will came back with multiple drinks. "Here you go lads," Said Alex, handing us drinks. 

After about two hours of talking and watching Will and Alex get moderately drunk, we all agreed to head home. We all picked up our thinks and stood outside for a bit. "Hey George," I said, leaning towards him. "Yeah?" He replied. "How are you going to deal with these drunk twinks?" He looked genuinely concerned. "I have no idea." I'll come with you guys."

So that's what was happening. We all got into an Uber and made our way back to their apartment. Alex and Will danced badly in the lift while I filmed them on Snapchat. George unlocked the door and Alex and Will ran inside and fell asleep instantly on the couch. I noticed the time was 1:30 am and I was really tired. I grabbed a glass of water and headed to Will's room to sleep in his bed. "Goodnight George," I said tiredly. "Night Cass." He replied. 

I got changed into some of Will's clothes and checked my phone which was filled with Instagram notifications. Oh yeah, I posted a photo of me and the boys.

                     Liked by tinabear, willne and 1,023 others

yagirlcass: with the lads 😤🤚

I looked through some comments until I noticed one that made me blush.

legitmemeulous: fit x

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