Cold Elevator Buttons // Chapter 29

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**Cassidy's POV**

(An hour prior)



I picked up the phone, rubbing my tearful eyes from thinking about George whilst listening to When the Partie's Over.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, it's Alex. What are you doing tonight?" Alex. My lord and saviour, Alex. I love hearing his voice, so kind and considerate, especially when I need him most.

"Not much, just crying a bit." I heard Alex chuckle. 

"Relatable, Cass. Anyway, come over to mine." What? No.


"Come on! Oh, wait, George isn't home." I felt a little relieved.

"Ok, want me to bring anything?"

"Any drinks in the fridge?" I got up to the fridge and once I opened it, the fresh, cool air struck me in the face, sticking to the drying tears on my face.

"No, but Tesco's still open."

"Ok, see you soon."


I pulled on my jacket and stuck a ten-pound note in my bag pocket. The hallways were cold but everything was this season. I put my hand out and touched the wall. The concrete was cold and relaxing on my fingers. The elevator buttons were cold, the streets were cold, the Tesco aisles were cold. 

"That'll be 35p." Said the cashier, rolling her eyes.

"Here you go," I said, passing the money over to the girl. She looked a little younger than me. I would be hating my life right now if I had to spend my Friday night working. She handed me the change and yelled, "Next!" To the customer behind me. 

I jogged out to the Tesco and got into the lift, straight to Alex's floor. 

For once in a while, I felt good.

Thanks, Alex.


I opened the door with George's spare key and yelled for Alex.

"Alex, I'm here!"

I expected it to be Alex sitting on the couch, waiting patiently for my arrival. 

But no, it was George.

The sight of him made my stomach flip. 


It was really him.

I felt my lips mouth his name but I couldn't process that it was actually him. I hadn't seen him is so long.

But did I miss him?




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