Adam // Chapter 7

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I packed my laptop into my bag and chucked a few pens inside, landing next to an A5 notebook. I slung the bag over my shoulder and picked up my keys from the counter top. It was moderately early in the morning and I peeked through Amelie's door and as expected, she was asleep. Her cat was snooping around on her desk and turned to hiss at me. Ever since Amelie got Link, he's hated me. He would hiss and attempt to scratch me everytime I would come into view. I closed Amelie's door and headed out into the apartment building's carpark. George had sweetly volunteered to drive me to my first day. I exited the elevator and was greeted with George's Fiat 500. I opened the door and tossed my bag to the floor. I looked over to George and he grinned at me. 

Once George had driven out of the carpark, George asked for me to put some music on. George unlocked his phone and passed it to me with Spotify open. I went to the search tab and looked up "Mr Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra. The sounds flooded the car as we drove down the dreary roads. As the chorus blared through the speakers, George and I continued to scream the chorus as we arrived at the campus. Before I  left the car, I quickly leant over and kissed George gently on the cheek. He smiled as I left the car and waved as he shouted: "See you later!" 

I entered the lecture room and took a seat at an empty row. I checked the time on my phone's lock screen and compared it to my classes starting time. I was around eight minutes early so I got all my things and started setting up for the class. I got my pencils and eraser out and set them out in front of me. I placed my exercise book open in front of me as I assumed that I would take notes as it was a theory class. 

The professor entered the classroom and opened his laptop and started writing on the board. What I remember from the email I received from the professor was that he was new and this was his first year as a professor. The professor looked young, maybe around 20 years old, my age. I could also tell that he was new as his writing on the board was small and barely visible. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through my Instagram feed.

A boy sat down next to me, dropping his books down next to me, making me jump. I rolled my eyes because I could already tell that this boy was trouble. I opened my messages to George and filled him in on the 'boy next to me' drama.

Me: the boy next to me slammed his crap down and scared me really bad

George: not on my watch

Me: what do I do

George: not sure

George: let me know if anything bad happens ❤️

Me: alright :)

The boy started laughing next to me, nudging the guy next to him who I assumed was one of his friends. He stood up very proudly and started to address the professor. "Professor!" he yelled, "No one can read your writing, it's microscopic!" The boy's friend burst into laughter and slammed his palms on the table, continuing his laughing fit. I turned back to the professor who looked extremely irritated. "Adam, sit down." Adam bowed and sat down, whispering to his friend next to him. "And Brendon, if you and Adam are just going to disturb the class, you're free to leave." 

Twenty minutes into the lecture, a tiny slip of paper landed on my notebook. I unfolded it and was greeted by the wonderful message from I assume Adam. It read; Hey cutie, how r u? you want to go out sometime? <3 I looked up at Adam and he winked playfully. I looked back down at the note passed and rolled my eyes. I scribbled my answer on the note, folded it back up and flicked it back to Adam. I had written: No, ive got a boyfriend. In the corner of my eye, I saw Adam frown but then cheekily grin. He continued his devilishly grinning as he wrote on the note and passed it back. It read: aw cmon, have some fun! coffee tomorrow? I sighed and replied with: got a bf, sorry. I slipped the note to Adam and he sighed, smiling. He slipped the note into his bag and got on with his work.

As the class ended, we all started packing our things and began to leave. I was putting my notebook into my bag when Adam sat on my desk. He was REALLY persistent. "Boyfriend, huh?" "Yep," I replied, not making eye contact. "What's the big lad's name?" I hesitated. "Why do you want to know?" I snapped back. "Just curious." He smiled. I slung my bag over my shoulder and began to walk out. Adam got off the desk and snuck behind me and grabbed my ass. "Hey! What the hell?!" I yelled. "What's wrong? Are you okay Cassidy?" When he spoke, I saw red. "What the hell Adam! I rejected you and you assault me!" Adam acted shocked. "Assault you? I wouldn't dare!" "Go to hell." I snarled and walked out of the lecture hall.

I walked into the carpark and felt tears in my eyes. As expected, George's car was a few spaces from the elevator. George's smile faded the second he saw my face. My face was sickly pale with tears in my eyes. "Cass! Cassidy what's wrong?" asked George softly, as if I were a scared animal that would run away at any time. I took a moment to breathe. "There was this guy," I replied quietly. "He kept trying to ask me out and I told him no because I have you and then he grabbed my ass." George groaned. "What the hell. Who is this guy?" "I think his name was Adam but I'm not sure." I lied as I knew exactly what his name is. "Alright, you have a lecture tonight right?" I nodded. "I'll walk you to your class and maybe bump into this Adam." Said George, pulling out of the carpark. "Sounds good, thank you, George." George grinned. "Alright, Cass. Now, do you want to go get some lunch?" I smiled and dried my eyes and we drove off the get some food.

A/N: Sorry for the lack of uploads, ive been on holiday! Thank you so much for 200+ reads on this story!❤️ 

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