Flower Crowned Portraits - Chapter 6

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I woke up with George asleep next to me. I rolled over and checked my phone. A few Instagram notifications and some twitter notifications. After scrolling through my phone for a while, George started to stir. He rolled over to face me a flashed me a drowsy smiled. "Morning, love," I said to George. "Good morning," He smiled. George laid still, staring at me with the same grin on his face. It wasn't like a creepy smile, just an admiring smile. "What?" I questioned. George seemed to snap back into reality when I asked him what he was doing. "Huh?" He asked. "You were staring," I replied. "You're just... Beautiful. I never realised how blue your eyes are." I blushed. I haven't been told I'm beautiful in a long time. 

"So," George said, swinging himself out of bed. "What have you got on today?" I checked my calendar. It said that today was the deadline for my university course's timetable. I knew I was doing an art course but I didn't know much else. "I have to make my timetable for university." George finished putting away some clothes and sat next to me. "What course are taking?" "An art course." "Are you an artist?" I thought for a second. I guess? I didn't think I was very good so I was hoping that I would get better. "I guess," I said, looking away. "Do you have any artworks? Could I see them?" "Sure, there's some at my apartment. We can go to mine if you like," George put his shoes on. After picking up all my things, we started to leave their apartment. Alex was still asleep and Will was asleep on the couch. We walked quietly past Will so we didn't wake him up. 

The walk to my apartment was short and nice. George and I walked hand in hand through the streets and splashed in some puddles that were left over from the night's rain. We took the lift up to my apartment and I fumbled for my keys and unlocked the door. I texted my roommate Amelie that we were on our way. Amelie was my best friend since high school. She hasn't met Will or George but she knows of them. The apartment smelt of coffee beans and was tidy. George took off his shoes and looked around. One of the paintings in the hallway was mine and I decided to point it out. "This one's mine." It was a portrait shot of Amelie. She had flowers in her brown hair. He luscious hair flowed over her delicate, white dress. In the portrait, she had a straight face and looked to the side. George stood in front of the painting, analysing it thoroughly. "Woah," said George, still staring at the portrait. "This is amazing. Like genuinely amazing" "It's not that good," I said, kicking my foot against the scratchy carpet. "No," George disagreed. "This is stunning."  

"Cassidy! You're home!" Yelled a voice from the living room. George slightly jumped when he heard her voice. "Who's that?" Asked George. "That's my roommate Am. Come and meet her!" I linked his fingers with my fingers with his. Amelie was sitting cross-legged on the couch with the biggest grin on her face. "Cas!" She shrieked, "Am!" I ran over to her and scooped her up in a hug. After I released from her hug, she looked at George. "Who's this?" "This is George, my boyfriend." Amelie sat with her mouth open. "I've been away for a week and a half and you've already gone and got yourself a boyfriend!" George stuck his hand out to shake her hand. "Nice to meet you, George," said Amelie, smiling. "Nice to meet you too. Are you the one in the hallway?" He asked. I chuckled. "Yes, that is her," "Sorry, what are you on about?" "He's talking about your portrait in the hallway." "Ohh, ok. That makes sense. Yeah, that was for an old high school project." 

After talking with Amelie and George for a while, George reminded me about my timetable, which I completely forgot about. George and I went into my room and I sat down to my computer to fill out my timetable. I fixed the days so I would have free time. I would have three days of classes. I remember watching a YouTube video talking about university stuff and it mentioned how you shouldn't just have one class a day so I took that advice. George was lying on my bed and I laid down next to him. "Hey," George said, softly. "Hey," I replied quietly. I looked at George's eyes, flicking between my eyes and my lips. I looked towards his lips and we slowly moved closer to each other and our lips collided. His lips were warm and soft as they touched mine. It was a kind kiss and I loved it.  

Sorry for my rough upload schedule. I'm fortunately going on holiday for next week so the uploads may be less :)

PS: Thank you for 100+ reads on this story! ❤️

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