A Stupid, Stupid Mistake // Chapter 16

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I knocked lightly on the door with a nervous Will standing behind me. Alex flung open the door with a grin spread across his face. That is until he saw Will. Alex grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside and shut the door. 

"What is he doing here?" Alex whispered, angrily.

"He wanted to talk to all of us."

"Well, we don't want to talk to him!"

"Please just hear him out."

"Why are you defending him?"

"I am not! I just want to get this shit out of the way!"

"Fine. 20 minutes. I'll go get George."

I opened the door to see Will walking down the hall back to the elevator. "Will!" I called out, ushering him back towards the apartment. He jogged quickly back into the apartment and sat down at the counter, nervously.

A groggy George and worried Alex walking in. George stopped in his tracks at the sight of Will and then looked towards me. 

"What's he doing here? Didn't we say he wasn't allowed here?" 

"Yes, but I bumped into him and he begged to make peace with us."

"I didn't beg." Protested Will. George and Alex glared in reply.

"If he starts blubbering an apology, he's out," George said facing me but directing it at Will. "So, what do you want to say?"

Will sighed. 

"It was a mistake. A stupid, stupid mistake. I am genuinely surprised that Cassidy listen to me-"

"How did you guys just bump into each other?" Interrupted Alex.   

"At the bus stop from my class." 

"Anyway, I was surprised that Cassidy-"

"Why do you keep calling her Cassidy?" Asked George, cutting Will off yet again.

"She told me not to call her Cass."


"Because only my friends call me Cass. Adam doesn't call me Cass. Will doesn't call me Cass."


Alex put his hands onto the table. 

"Hey, we're getting sidetracked. Cass only lets her friends call her Cass. Adam is a jerk from her art class. Will, continue."

"Anyway, I was surprised that Cassidy even talked to me."

"Ok, Will. What's your point? You've very clearly stated that you're sorry but what else?"

Will sat and thought for a second. I could hear the cogs working in his brain.

"I honestly don't know. I just want to be forgiven. I just want my friends back." Said Will, tearfully. 

I looked at Alex and he looked at George who was looking at Will. 

"So, you kissed my girlfriend and then expect me to be friends with you again? Fuck off."

"What? I've apologised one thousand times and you also beat the shit out of me! I feel I deserve this."

Oh no. 

"George. George." I said, knowing that this would set him off.

"For God's sake Will." He said, leaning to slap Will.

I made a split second decision. I basically dove in front of Will so that instead of hitting Will, George would hit me. Which is exactly what happened. 

hello! so, i kinda noticed that george seems a little violent. he's not, he's just protective.                           

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