C // Chapter 8

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The roads were still dreary. The rain slithered down the windshield but inside of the car was warm. I stared out of my window with a small smile on my face, just feeling happy. In the corner of my eye, I noticed that George kept glancing over to me and smiling. At one point while George was looking at me, I turned around and asked him. "Why are you staring at me?" George blushed. "You're just so.. Beautiful." I blushed, looking at the ground. "Shut up," I mumbled with a big smile between my rosy cheeks.

We arrived at the campus and George parked the car. I put my bag over my shoulder and got out of the car. George got out from the other side of the car and we walked towards the lecture hall together. George put his arm over my shoulder as we crossed the road, trying our hardest to avoid the drizzle. We walked through the hallway towards my specific lecture hall and stood in front of us, arms crossed, was Adam.

"Ah, Cas! This must be your boyfriend!" He said, cockily. "Leave her alone." Replied George in a deeper than usual voice. "Ooh, he speaks! Well, I'm Adam." He said, sticking his hand out to shake. George ignores his gesture. "Listen, I've been told that you grabbed Cass's ass. Not cool bruv." Adam's mouth twitched as if he was thinking to say something but stayed quiet. "See you in the lecture, C". He said, beginning to walk away. A chord struck when he called me C. "Don't you dare call me 'C' Adam. A grin spread across his face. "And why not?" I looked down at my feet. "Just don't," I replied sternly. I felt tears filling my eyes and turned to George. "I'm not feeling very good George. Could we head home?" George smiled and squeezed my hands. "Sure thing." We turned away from Adam and headed towards the car.

George and I drove in silence and I assumed we were both thinking about the same thing so I just decided to tell him. "It was what my brother called me." George seemed to snap back into reality when I began to talk. "What?" "It was what my brother called me when we were kids. Before... Before he died." George froze. "Oh. Oh Cas, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." "You wanna know what happened to him?" George hesitated. "Only if you're ok with it." I took a deep breath and began to tell Andy's story. "He went out on a boat with some friends one night and fell off the side of the boat. Everyone was drunk and didn't know what happened. He fell off the boat and hit his head and drowned. I haven't been in the ocean since. He was only 21." We sat in silence and George held my hand. He held my hand for the rest of the ride.

We entered the house with Will, Alex and Stephen sitting on the couch laughing. I was pale with reddish eyes which caused a lot of attention to come to me. "Cassidy, are you ok?" Stephen asked me which caused Will and Alex to turn towards me. "I'm fine," I replied and put up a thumbs up. I looked over to the TV and the start of The Nightmare Before Christmas was playing. "You want to watch the movie with us?" Asked Will. I nodded and sat down and George sat down in the empty space next to me. Will turned the movie on and I fell asleep on George while Zero was searching for Jack Skellington. 

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, thank you so much for 800+ reads on my Alex story!! 

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