Gee's Plants // Chapter 12

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On the car drive home, we discussed our thoughts on the movie. "I personally thought it was really good." Said Will, not taking his eyes off the road. "Winnie was hilarious." We all agreed. "Does anyone want to get food?" Asked Will. "There's a McDonalds around the corner so we can just pop in there." Nobody really said anything, but we I guess Will just assumed that we all wanted food so soon enough we pulled into the drive-thru. 

We pulled into an empty parking spot and I felt something quite heavy fall onto my shoulder. I turned sideways to see what landed on me and was greeted by George's head. He must've fallen asleep. Will began handing out drinks and his mood changed from gleeful to confused when he looked at George. "What's happened to him?" Asked Will, causing Alex and Stephen to look at what was wrong with George. Alex giggled and Will sighed. "What the hell?" Started Alex, "All he does is sleep. His schedule consists of sleeping, eating and hanging with you and us." Will interjected. "Nah man, he spent all of last night working on like three videos. Cass would know, she spent the night with him." Stephen 'ooh'ed which made me giggle. "Well, since Mr George needs his nap, we should head home," said Will, beginning to pull out of the parking lot.

On the drive home, I felt my eyes getting heavier. I rested my head on George's field of fluffy hair and the buzzing of the car lulled me into a sleep. When I was just about to fall asleep, I heard the quiet voices of Stephen and Alex saying something along the lines of; "Is she seriously asleep too?" 

I woke up on the couch, confused about how I got there. The last thing I remember was laughing at how George fell asleep and how I also fell asleep too. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Wait.. What? I looked around and saw a series of potted plants on the window sill. I knew instantly that this was not George's apartment as George didn't really like plants. But my apartment doesn't have plants. I sat up and stretched my arms out and felt moderately nervous. I was about to stand up and leave the apartment when Mr Lenny walked out.

"Ah Cass, you're awake! How'd you sleep?" asked Will, sitting down next to me. "I slept well but I had no idea this was your apartment." "Yeah, I spend most of my time at George's and Alex's but this is my actual apartment." I motioned towards the potted plants. "I had no idea that you had such an interest for plants." "Oh, those are Gee's, she loves em." Who's Gee? I didn't think Will had a girlfriend. Will must've understood my confusion. "Oh, Gee's my roommate, not my girlfriend." I nodded and we both sat staring at each other. Will's eyes glanced towards my lips and back up to my eyes. I felt my chest tense up as I anticipated what was going to happen. Will's eyes closed as he leant towards me. His soft lips quickly touch mine but I pushed him away the second he kissed me. "Will!" I yelled, causing him to open his eyes. "What was that! You know I'm with George." Will frowned. "Come on Cass." Started Will. "I've seen the way you act around me. I know you like me." I rolled my eyes and began to collect my things to leave. "I can promise you, I am not in love with you. Delete my number." I said as I left the apartment.

I pressed the buttons on George's spare phone and called his number. The number rang a few times and then answered with George's groggy voice. "Hello? Cas, is this you?" "Yeah, it's me. Is it possible for you to pick me up?" "What? Are you ok?" I sniffled and rubbed my nose. "I just need to see you." "Ok, send me where you are and I'll be there as soon as possible." I sighed in relief. "Thank you, George. See you soon." 

I walked over to the MacDonalds and messaged George my address. I opened the door and decided I would order a Frozen Coke. I stood in line and soaked in the refreshing cool air. "Next!" Yelled the worker in my direction. I stood forwards and began to order. "Could I have a large Frozen Coke please?" The order pressed some buttons on the register and held out her hand. "One pound please." I handed her a coin and smiled. "Thank you, here is your receipt." I took the receipt and stood to the side. And just like that, my drink was ready. "Thank you, have a nice day." A different worker smiled.

I stood outside, looking at my phone and occasionally sipping my drink. I sipped my drink and jumped as a familiar car drove in front of me. George rolled down his window and yelled, "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" I smiled and got in the passenger seat. "Hey George, how are you?" "I'm good, what happening? Alex told me Will took you to his apartment to meet Gee. Did you meet Gee?" I cringed remembering what happened earlier. "No, I left pretty quickly." "What do you mean?" I paused. Should I really tell him? They've been friends for so long, I can't ruin that. No, I can't tell him. "Nothing, I was just.. tired." "No, that's not it. What really happened Cassidy." I sighed. "Will kissed me." I mumbled. "He did what?!" Said George, angrily. "He leaned in and kissed me." George stopped the car and turned around. The car spun around and we went in the opposite direction, towards Will's apartment. "George, no, we cannot go back their!" I told George but he kept driving. 

We pulled into the apartments carpark and got out. George walked fast, angry and determined. "George, come on." I said, but he didn't listen. George got into the lift and wait for me to come inside. "I'm not coming inside." I said, crossing my arms. "Come on." He smiled kindly. I rolled my eyes and walked into the elevator and kissed him. "George?" I said, looking into his eyes. "Yes?" He replied. "I love you." George's eyes lit up. "You, love me?" I nodded. "I do. I really do." I kissed him again and then released as the door was about to open. As it opened, a tall man stood to the side, waiting for the elevator. It was Will. His expression changed instantly.

"Will." Said George, in a deep, heated voice. 

                                                                        To be continued.  


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