Coffee and Banter // Chapter 2

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I woke up in Will's bed, something that hadn't happened in a while, in a platonic way of course. I swung my feet over the bed and made my way over to the kitchen. Will was sitting at the bench quietly groaning with his hands on his head. "Will?" I said cautiously. Will spun around and smiled while also looked like he was in a lot of pain. "Hey, Cass," replied Will tiredly. "You alright?" I asked, making myself a bowl of cereal. "Yeah, my head fucking pounds though," I took my bowl of cereal and ruffled Will's hair. 

"Where's Alex?" I asked, looking around. Will pointed backwards, eyes still closed. "Still asleep, George must've put a blanket on him." How nice of him. Speaking of which, big lad George skipped/jogged down towards the kitchen. He was yelling "LADS LADS LADS" as loud as he could. He bounced around the room yelling and I sat watching Alex and Will both groaning in annoyance. I also watched George running around ruffling the boy's hair as I just sat there confusedly laughing at what was happening. After George finished dancing around and pissing off Will and Alex, he stood there, catching his breath. After giggling a little, he flashed a kind smile at me which made me blush. "You guys wanna get some coffee?" Asked George. "SHUT UP GEORGE" replied Alex from the couch. "I'll pass," said Will, rubbing his eyes. "Cass?" asked George. "Sure! Give me a sec, I'll grab my things and we can go." I said getting my shoes and grabbing my phone.

George and I got into his car and made our way to the coffee shop. "Do you know if Will or Alex would want anything?" I asked. "Probably, they can suck it up because they didn't come." We pulled out of the driveway and made our way to the coffee shop. "Are we just going to duck in and duck out?" George hesitated. "I thought that we could sit down and chill." I smiled. Like a date? "Sure! That would be cool."

We sat down at a table near the window and talked for a bit. We talked about random things like family, friends and others stuff like that. While we talked, it felt like we had been friends for a long time and not like we had met a night prior. 

"So, are you still in school Cass?" Asked George, sipping his coffee. "I just applied to the coffee down the street. I'm hoping I could go there but I'm not sure what will happen. Are you still in school?" "No, I dropped out to Youtube full time." "That's pretty sick." George checked his phone. "Will asked if we could grab him a coffee. Do you want to go soon or what?" "Ok, I'll grab will his flat white. Can you bring the car out the front?" George nodded and made his way outside. I got Will's coffee and made my way into George's car. I put the coffee in the cup holder. As I set it down, my phone vibrated. I opened it up to be greeted by a message from Will. 

Will: How was your little date with George?

Me: What??? It was not a date.

Will: Reallyyyy? I could see that you liked him last night ;)

Me: Shut up.

Me: Do you think he likes me?

Will: ;)

What a dickhead. We pulled into the apartment complex's carpark and then got into the lift. While I was staring at my phone, in the corner of my eye, I said George breathe in deeply and turn facing me. "Cass, do you want to maybe, I don't know how to say this but uh,," George slumped backwards towards the wall. "Yes, I would like to go on a date George, very sweet of you to ask," I said smiling. George smiled back. "Cool! Cool cool cool. When are you free?" I grinned. "Tomorrow is good." "Ok, I guess its settled then."

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