Jumbled Emotions // Chapter 25

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Amelie swung open the door cheerfully but was greeted with me, balling my eyes out under the covers.

"Cass? Oh my god, what's wrong?" She said quietly, nudging me.

"George broke up with me."

"Oh. How?"

"Well he didn't really, but he will." I realised I must sound mental.

"What are you talking about?"

"I over-heard George talking to Alex about splitting up. He didn't know I was listening." I tried to keep my cries inside while recounting the events of last night but I burst into tears. Amelie comforted me by giving me the tightest hug. 

"Let's go do something." Suggested Amelie, smiling sadly.

"No. Not now." 

"Do you want me to call someone? Alex? Will?" 

I grunted, throwing myself under my pillow. I felt the bed lift back up as Amelie stood back up and left the room. 

The room was dark as I closed the blinds. My emotions felt jumbled, as if they were put in the clothes washer on 100%.



I was sad because I've never loved someone as much as I loved George. Everything about him made my heart flutter. His fluffy hair, his laugh, his smile, his humour, god, the list could go on. I love him. I genuinely love him. My heart pains to think about my mistakes with him. How I didn't reply with I love you as I assumed he wouldn't remember but he did. 

But, I was mad because he was the one to leave me on read. We messaged backed and forth but most of the time it ended with some variation of 'sorry, I can't I'm busy'. I invited him to go out to lunch and he didn't even bother to tell me he was busy. What a dick. 

I kept thinking about how Amelie had a good point of how 'George didn't actually break up with me'. I knew that he technically didn't break up with me but I don't think I could just turn up to his house and act normally. 

I never wanted to talk to him again. 

Then there was a pounding at the door.

i got so many comments telling me about how angry they are at me for causing some drama. :)))))

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