Royal London // Chapter 18

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"Thank you for coming, dearest Cassidy, it means a lot," Amelie said as we left the hospital room. Her voice was tired and as expected, the moment Will shut the door, she drifted off to sleep. It was 9 o'clock on the dot, the exact time visiting hours end. We had been with Am for around two hours and were all equally exhausted. 

"So, are we walking home gang?" Asked George, fingers interlocked in mine. I yawned and put my head on George's shoulder. 

"I'm kinda tired, G. Could we call an Uber or something?" I asked, quietly. George nodded and smiled tiredly.

"Is it all good if I crash at your place?" Alex and George nodded.

So that was the plan. We waited for George to call an Uber for us to be taken back to George and Alex's flat where Will would stay too. George's phone buzzed when he finished setting up the Uber driver to come to the hospital. It was a black car, the name brand that I didn't recognise which, to be honest, wasn't a surprise. I never gave much interest to car brands. I know the basics like Toyota, Honda and Mazda, but that's it really.

The car pulled up in front of us and George offered for me to go in the front. I declined as I wanted to sit in the back with George. Will took the seat in the front with me, George and Alex in the back seat. I leant my head on George's head and shut my eyes which resulted in me having the worlds smallest nap. I was gently shaken by George trying to wake me up. 

"Cass? Cass, we're home." He basically whispered. I groaned but smiled. George scooched to the side and opened the door for me. I walked out and was hit by a wave of cool air. Goosebumps pricked up on my legs as I waited for George to pay the driver. After paying, George waved the driver off and took my hand. I assumed Will and Alex were inside. I turned to George and hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. We resumed our usual hand holding and went inside to Will and Alex who were waiting for us in front of an empty elevator.

"Finally!" Alex joked.

"While you two were kanoodling, we've been waiting at this elevator." Said Will, slapping his hands on the elevator door. I giggled and George cracked a smile. 

We got inside the strangely warm elevator and pressed the button that read '8', which was Alex and George's floor. The doors creaked open and we walked out and Will and I counted the doors until we got to the flat. 

"Six, seven and eight!" Said Alex and I in unison.

George fumbled for her keys and opened the door. We walked into the cool room and noticed that the window's blinds were open. I walked up towards the window and looked at the lights. The colours flickered and shone many different colours. Blues, oranges, yellows. I've never really seen the city like this before. I closed my eyes and pushed my forehead into the chilled glass. I heard someone come and stand next to me. I looked over and saw Will. 

"What are you doing, Cass? I am allowed to call you Cass, right?" I nodded in reply. 

"I'm just feeling the city," I replied, still embracing the cold glass.

"Feeling the city? What do you mean?" 

"Just the cold, the buzzing cars, the lights, you know," Will grunted in agreement and put his face on the glass as I did.

"I've really missed hanging out with you guys," Said Will, with his eyes still closed and head still on the glass.

"I kinda missed you too, Will. I missed seeing your box head and you sending me a random picture of your dog. We've been friends for years and it was sad to think all that would go down the drain." I felt Will turn towards me.

"I love you, Cass. I love you so, so much. You are one of the greatest people I've ever met. Thank you for forgiving me." I turned towards him and hugged him.

"I love you too Will. You're pretty cool too." I realised him from our embrace. Thank God everything was slowly going back to normal.

thank you for 1.5k on the Alex story :)

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