Christopher Robin // Chapter 11

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"Which movie do you want to see Cass?" asked Stephen, leading everyone to collectively stare at me whilst I made my decision. "Could we go see Christopher Robin?" I asked, softly. "I've been told that movie's a real tear jerker so I guess I bring to tissues." Replied Stephen cheerfully. It was nice how everyone got along so well. It was comforting. This brought me back to thinking about Am. How she was most likely all alone in the flat, maybe painting or reading that new book she got from Elizabeths Books. I hope she is ok after this morning. So then I decided to send her a message.


hey am, how are ya? xx 

After I sent the message, I put my phone down and engaged in a conversation with Alex and Stephen. At first, I had no idea what they were on about but then after a few minutes of processing, I put together what they talking about. Something about YouTube shutting down and everyone freaking out. I was just about the talk when my phone buzzed. I assumed it was Amelie so I checked. I pressed the home button and sure enough, I was correct.


✓SEEN 7:27pm

I rolled my eyes slightly. Amelie is like a book; so easy to read. I put my phone in my pocket and sat back down with Alex and Stephen. "What time's the movie?" I asked anyone who knew. "Um, well it's 7:30 now so the movie is in an hour and a bit. We've got enough time to go get snacks and stuff." Replied Stephen. "Are we allowed to bring things in?" Asked Will as he hadn't been to the cinema in a long time. "No. That is why we must sneak things in. Like agile ninjas." Replied Stephen, putting his hands crossed in front of his face as some sort of ninja move. We all chuckled at Stephen's nonsense and went back to our conversations.

Everyone piled into Will's car, Will driving with Stephen in the passenger seat and George, Alex and I squished into the back. "Any song requests?" Asked Stephen, turning back to face the three of us. "Fergalicious?" Requested Alex. And just like that, we were all singing the lyrics to Fergie's hit song. As we pulled into the parking lot, the song ended. I had no idea George knew the rap part to Fergalicious. 

"What's the time, Stephen?" Asked Will, shutting the car door. Stephen checked his phone. "It's like 7:40ish. The movies in like 40 minutes. We'll grab some snacks and get to the movie." All of us went inside the shopping centre and made our way to the snack section. Alex got an assortment of chips, George and Will went to the sweets sections which left Stephen and I to get some drinks for all of us. George asked for a lemonade, George and Alex asked for a Coke and Stephen and I wanted a Vanilla Coke just to spice things up a little.




We had a full bag of snacks. As we were walking towards the cinema, Will asked the thing we all kinda forgot about. "So Lads, how are we going to sneak these things in?" I took a look at all of us. Will was wearing a shovel hoodie, Alex was wearing an internet sensation hoodie, George was wearing just a plain black hoodie, Stephen was wearing a button up shirt and I was wearing a cardigan and a shirt. "Let's see how many snacks we can fit inside you guys' hoodies," I suggested as we made our way towards a wall to start stuffing snacks.

After a little bit of struggling, we got all our snacks hidden. Alex, Will and George had a little bit of a belly but nothing too suspicious. "You ready to go?" Asked George, squeezing my hand. "Mm-hm," I replied, pecking him on the cheek. We walked slightly ahead of everyone just giggling to each other. 

Stephen had kindly bought us all tickets for the movie so we were all very thankful towards him. We handed the worker our tickets and made our way into the theatre. We took our seats in the order of Alex, Will, Me, George and Stephen. We decided to take out the snacks before the movie started. Just as we finished getting the seemingly endless snacks out of the hoodies, the lights began to dim.

Around 1 hour and 43 minutes later, we left the theatre with red eyes from our tears. "That was a really good movie, damn." I stated.

A/N: Hey, so I realised that not much romantic stuff has happened so there will be some of that happening soon :) Also, should I do a Will story after or an Alex story when I complete this one? xx 

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