Flower Dress // Chapter 20

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I woke up, the blazing sunlight hitting my eyes. I swung my legs slowly over the bed and stood up, stretching. I sifted through my closet for a long-sleeve dress that I bought to wear to George's make-up lunch. I had matched it with a pale yellow pair of sandals. I took the dress off of the rack and stared at its beauty. The beautiful flower illustrations had blended the colours so well. The pale red, which somehow, despite its paleness, had not turned into a pink, just a light red. The softest blue, which was blended ever so slightly with the red. And the yellow, so pale but deep at the same time. The perfect dress for the perfect date. Except it wasn't.

My phone buzzed, again and again. It was almost rhythmic. I checked it and notice that I had 7 messages from George and 5 missed calls from him too. Oh no, that's not good. 

I then glanced at the clock. Oh. It was 3:46 pm, 3 hours and 46 minutes after the time decided for our plans. I unlocked my phone and opened George's messages. 

12:13pm - George: sitting towards the back, see you soon x

12:15pm - George: can't wait to see you again x

12:24pm George: are you on your way? x

12:27pm George: cassy? x

12:35pm George: do you want me to order for you? x

12:37pm George: i ordered your favourite x                  

12:49pm George: where are you?

 which was followed by 5 missed call messages.

Oh, God. I remember when George accidentally stood me up and how I felt. I feel horrible about how I've made him feel. My finger hovered over the call button when I suddenly collapsed.

Ah fuck, my head. I slowly moved my fingers up to head which was where a small amount of blood was coming from. I stood up gently, moving toward the kitchen where I could get some ice. I leant towards the walls as I hobbled towards the fridge. I opened the freezer and sifted through various microwave meals to find a blue ice-pack. I put it to my temple and felt relieved. I sat down at the kitchen island and collected my thoughts. What happened? Ok. Let's start from the beginning. I woke up to get the dress. It was next to me when I woke up on the ground. But why did I need the dress? I must've been going somewhere special, I never get dressed up like that. Where was I going? Uhh.. Not parents, they live too far away, Amelie's still at home.. George! That it. I was going to lunch with George, but I missed it. I missed lunch. Shit.

I opened my phone and dialled George's number. It was 6:12pm so I guess I was out for a while. 

(voice call)

George: Cassidy? Hey!

Cassidy: George, hey. I'm so sorry.

George: What happened? 

He said slowly and laughed. 

Cassidy: I don't know what happened. I just woke up late.

George: What? Is this about lunch?

Oh. He's drunk.

Cassidy: Babe, have you been drinking?

George: What? No! No, no, no. Maybe.

Cassidy: Why don't we talk in the morning when you're more sober, huh?

George sniffled.

George: Don't I mean anything? 

I could feel his sadness through the phone.

Cassidy: What?

George: Is that why you missed lunch?

Cassidy: No, George. I just overslept. I'm sorry.

George: Ok, I'm sorry. 

Cassidy: Is Alex or Will there?

George: No, just me and Fifa.

Cassidy: I'll talk to you later, G. I miss you. 

George: Ok Cassy. 

Cassidy: Ok. See yo-

George: Cassidy?

Cassidy: Yes?

George: I love you.

Those words rang in my ears.



shoutout to willlenney for being absolutely amazing :)

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