Stop! You're Hurting Him! // Chapter 13

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I could see Will's fear. His eyes flashed and his mouth opened slightly as to say something but nothing came out. "Will," Began George, anger still flaming wildly. "George, I.. I didn't.." Started Will, slowing backing away. George began walking out of the elevator, towards Will, slowly but surely. The whole time George and I have been dating, through small arguments and such, I have never seen him so angry. George stood in front of Will tauntingly. I could see an immense amount of fear in Will. "Please, let me explain. George, I don't know what came over me but-" Will's little apology to George, which, keep in mind, he wasn't apologising to me but George but anyway, the apology was cut short by George's fist hitting will straight in the nose. 

Will stumbled backwards, holding his nose, obviously in pain. Blood poured between the cracks of his fingers. He looked at me, trying to get me to help, to constrain George. I didn't condone violence but I was as furious with Will as George was. As hard as it was to think it, Will kind of did deserve it. George stepped forwards to Will and hit him again. That time I yelled. "Stop it, George! You're hurting him!" George picked up Will by the front of his hoodie and pushed him into the wall. Will groaned as his body ached. This was the final straw. I stood in the hallway, behind George and screamed. I stood and screamed. George turned around instantly to face me, to see what was wrong. "Stop. Really, George. This isn't doing anything! If anything, it's making things worse!" George turned back to Will, staring and afraid. He nodded toward me as a thank you and I snarled back. I didn't care about Will, I just didn't like seeing George like this. I walked up to Will slowly and slapped him. "Don't ever talk to me. Ever."

George and I drove quietly back to his apartment. Neither of us wanted to say a word as we thought we may say something to tip each other over the edge. The whole ride, walking and driving were in complete silence. Only little sounds were heard, like the elevator button sounds and our footsteps. In the elevator, George linked his fingers through mine. His hands we sweaty and warm, it was weirdly comforting. The elevator door opened and we made our short walk to George and Alex's apartment. George fumbled for his keys which resulting in Alex unlocking the door from the inside instead. "Hey, you two! Where'd you go?" Alex chimed. George pushed past Alex and went to his room, shutting the door. Alex shot me a look of confusion. "What's wrong with him?" I sat down on the couch. "He beat Will up," I replied, weirdly calm. "What?!" Replied Alex, sitting next to me. "Will tried to kiss me, George found out and beat up Will. Well, he didn't really beat him up per say, he just punched him in the nose a few times." "I can't believe Will would do something like that!" Shouted Alex, obviously not listening to the last part of what I said. "I know," I said defeatedly. "But, why?" Asked Alex softly. "He said something like 'he sees the way I look at him and how I'm obviously in love with him.'" I slouched back, crossing my arms. "What a prick," Alex replied spitefully. Both of us sat silently. It wasn't an awkward silence, just a 'we don't know what else to say but we're ok with just being in each other's space'. You know, that kind of silence. 

George stormed out of his room and sat down next to me. I put my hand on his and he rubbed his fingers over mine, tracing my bones. His eyes met mine and he leant in. His warm lips touched mine as he wrapped his arms around me. His lips parted from mine just to tell me how much he loves me. "I'll leave you two be," said Alex, leaving the living room. George continued to kiss me and I kissed him back. 

After a while of pashing, George stopped kissing me, releasing me from his love. He reached for the remote, one hand on the remote and one hand in mine. He turned the TV on an flicked to Netflix where he turned on some romantic comedy. He squeezed my hand and looked at me. His eyes were sweet and glistening when he told me for the thousandth time today; "I love you, Cassidy. I really do." I pecked him on the cheek and put my head on his shoulder.

Thank you for 500+ plus reads on this story :)

ps, I started reading Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon and I am legitimately unable to put it down (strongly recommend)

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