Phone: Smashed // Chapter 10

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I was extremely hesitant to go to my theory class this morning. I had a knot in my stomach whilst Amelie was talking and was to busy thinking about seeing Adam. "Cass?" said Amelie, waving in my face. It felt like she'd just grabbed me and pulled me into reality. "What?" I asked confusedly, only then realising I hadn't been listening to her the whole time. Amelie sighed and put another piece of toast in the toaster. "What are you doing today? Do you want to do something together? We haven't had a day together in a really long time." "I can't. I've got a class this morning and then George and I are going out to lunch and then Will, Stephen, Alex, George and I are going to see a movie at the cinema." I felt Amelie's mood drop. "Oh. Ok, no, that all good. I'm going into town and meeting with an old friend from school." I knew she was lying. After all, why would you ask to do things today when she already had plans. "Amelie, we'll make plans soon. I promise." Amelie grabbed her phone and her car keys. "No, no, it's all good. I know you're busy with George." She said, coldly, walking towards the door. "Enjoy the cinema with your new best friends." And then she left, slamming the door behind her.

While I walked to the bus stop I now had two things swarming my head, Amelie and Adam. I obviously wasn't trying to hurt her, but I was just busy with all my new friends and George and of course, school. I also didn't want to run into Adam again after our previous fiasco. George offered to walk me in but I declined as I didn't think I needed a chaperone to take me to school. A bus dashed straight past me, drenching me as it drove over a puddle. I gasped and tripped backwards, launching my phone behind me as I fell. I recollected myself and remembered my phone was behind me. I picked it up and as I expected, the screen was shattered. I pressed the home button and the screen was green. The corner was so smashed that I wasn't even able to use it. I checked my watch and oh. For God's sake. That was my bus.

I walked home, completely drenched. I was beyond pissed off. Firstly, Amelie was angry at me for spending time with my friends? What? Secondly, I missed my bus and got absolutely drenched. Lastly, I completely hammered my phone. So, since I decided I was going to miss my lesson today as a girl in our classes Discord group uploads the notes. So I grabbed my keys and phone and headed for George's house.

I took the bus as it was just about to go past. The windows were coated with rain from earlier and the glass was freezing cold. The bus trip was short as George really only lived around the corner. I pushed the stop button and started walking towards the flat. As I walked, I started thinking about what I would do about my phone. I've dropped it before but this has never happened. I knocked on the door and Will opened the door, grinning at me. "Cass! How are you?" He said, releasing me from his embrace. "Good. Got drenched, missed my bus and obliterated my phone." Will frowned. "Oh dear. Come on in, the heaters on." We went inside and him on I sat on the lounge. I tossed him my phone and he turned it on and frowned at the damage. "Oh my god. I didn't think it was this bad." I sat there, embracing the heat from the heater. "You will be able to fix it, don't worry." I flashed Will a hopeful smile. 

After talking back and forth, I finally asked Will the question which was why I was with him in the first place. "Where's George?" "He's asleep in his room." His face lit up. He was planning something. "Let's stacks on him to wake him up." Will put his hand out towards me and I grabbed it. We got up and jogged to George's room. The door was open a crack and Will pushed it open. "George!" Screamed both of us, piling on top of him. George groaned whilst we both squished him. "What the fuck." Moaned George, pushing us off of him. Will and I sat on the floor giggling. "What was that for?" George ruffled his hair tiredly. Will shrugged, smiling. "I dunno." Will got up and left the room, shutting the door. 

"What are you doing here, anyway?" George asked. "Don't you have class?" I sighed. Just thinking about what happened makes me groan. "So, Amelie was mad at me, I missed my bus and as it went past, drenching me in a puddle. Lastly, I obliterated my phone. So, overall a great day." I flopped back onto the ground and let out a loud grunt. "I don't know what to do" "I have a friend I could ask to fix your phone, free of charge." I jumped up and basically tackled him, making him gasp in surprise. "Thank you, George." "No problem, Cassidy." I think I love him. I really do.

A/N: Oh my god. My Alex story just hit. 1k. reads. Thank you so much. ❤️ Also, sorry for not posting. I'm going to try and post more :) 

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