Just Another Art Class // Chapter 14

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I swung my feet over my bed, ready to go to the living room. The door creaked as I opened it which made Amelie peer over to see what the sound was. She flashed a small smile and then returning to whatever she was doing on her computer. I walked over to her a sat on the opposite end of the couch. She turned to me and I knew instantly that she was guilty of something. "So.. I've been talking to your friend.." She trailed off. "Which friend?" I replied. "I think his name is Will? I'm pretty sure that's his name. I got his phone number from your phone and we really hit it off." Oh no. No. Not Amelie. How do I tell her that I don't want her to talk to him? "Am, You can't talk to him." Her mouth dropped slightly. "What? Why not?" "Because he tried to kiss me even though he is quite aware that I've got a boyfriend. Am, you can do so much better." "Excuse me? Maybe he isn't such a jerk to me. Maybe I like him. That's not up to you." This really ground my gears. "I'm just trying to help you, ok? It seems like your mad at me because I've got friends and a boyfriend." "When was the last time we did anything together? All you do in go to your boyfriend's house." I got up in anger. "I've got a class to go to." I had something to say but in a fit of anger, it must've slipped out. "You and Will deserve each other." I slammed the door on my way out.

I opened the door to my lecture hall and everyone turned around and stared as I was late. I would have been earlier if I hadn't missed my bus and had to catch the late bus. I sat down in the only empty seat which, unfortunately, was right smack bang in the middle on Adam and his jerk of a friend. I knew Adam wouldn't do with me ignoring him. So just as I began to take out my notebook, he began to speak. 

"So.. Cassidy.. How are you? I noticed that you haven't been going to class recently, are you ok?"

 I ignored him. 

"Cassidy? I'm being serious. I know I was a massive prick but I just want to know if you're ok."

I ignored him.

"Cass, please."

"Don't call me Cass."

"Why not?"

"That's what my friends call me."

His mouth dropped slightly and I felt his mood change. 

"Oh, ok." He replied gloomily, turning back to the professor.

A drop of rain fell on my nose which caused me to shiver as I waited for my bus after class. The assignment had been assigned to this class and I was unenthusiastic to start working on it. It was a booklet of definitions of words like shape and line with examples. It was basically an investigation of the connections from the real world and art. What. A. Bore. 

I stepped back into the bus shelter next to a boy in headphones hidden in his hoodie. Oh. Oh no. I knew I recognised that flick of brown hair. 


Hey so I tried a new format with the speech and I really like it so I'll probably use it in the future. Also, thanks for 600+ reads :)

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