Our Own World // Chapter 32

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George parted from my lips and lovingly looked into my eyes. His mouth creased into a smile, something I've missed for the longest time. I haven't seen him happy in weeks. God, I love him.

"I love you, Cassidy. I've missed you so much, I honestly didn't realise how much I needed you." I chuckled. "What are you laughing at?"

"I was thinking the same thing the other day; as if I was missing something. You, George Andrews, are my other half." 

He pulled me into a kiss, intertwining in our own world.

Alex and Will opened the door, shocked at us so close to each other. Well, Will was shocked, Alex looked more proud than anything. 

"You two have had a good time!" Announced Will, his northern voice bouncing around the room. 

Alex set a couple lemonades on the table, opening one for himself. I realised myself from George and took his hand, grabbing a lemonade for George and then grabbed myself one. George and I clicked open the lids and smiled at each other.

"So, are you two going out again?" Asked Alex which, to be frank, I was quite happy with him bringing that up as that was what I was wondering.

George and I looked at each other and grinned.

"Yes, we're going out again," George turned to me, his eyes flicking from my eyes to my lips and then back up at my eyes, "I'm also taking you out to dinner tomorrow if you're free." I had to finish my project for my class which, in my depressed state, wouldn't even bother to try anything with it. One more day of putting it off wouldn't mean anything. It's due in a week and a half. 

"Yes, I'd love too."

this is probably going to be the last/second last (maybe ??) chapter :)

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