Chapter 14

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[A/N: YES! 200 READS! What a beautifully round and significant number! ...okay, not really, but that doesn't matter! Here's is yet another chapter...]


“Well…” said Aelith, somewhat grumpily as she adjusted the bandage secured around her head over a slight gash received in her fall. “Now what?”

Bilbo and Avice surveyed the scene before them with some misgiving.

Aelith was standing having what appeared to be a stare down with the offending chasm that spread out before them. Stretched across it was what the entire company was sure had to be the most rickety, unstable bridge they’d ever seen, complete with frayed rope and broken wood.

“Cross it?” suggested Nienna hesitantly, nudging the first board with her toe doubtfully. Eyebrows were raised and general incredulity was expressed and the idea was swiftly shot down.

“Then what do you suggest?” asked Nienna sarcastically. “Fly?”

Avice looked at Thorin standing next to her thoughtfully, before replying.

“I could probably throw some of you over…” Thorin immediately stiffened before turning to glare at her. She quickly raised her hands in surrender, saying,

“Kidding, kidding. Easy there. It was just a joke, your Highness.” She took several exaggerated steps away, Thorin’s fearsome eyes following her movement.

“You know,” said Runa cheerfully, throwing an arm around Avice, “I think he’s really warming up to us.” Nienna and Nora bit back laughter as Thorin grunted in annoyance and turned away.

“The bridge is the only way across,” said Nora simply. The company turned to look at her and Gandalf. After a moment’s thought, Kili asked,

“Couldn’t you just wave your wizard staffs and make a new bridge?” With a fast movement that Kili was unable to block, Nora’s staff whacked him on the head imperiously.

“Ow…” he complained, rubbing his skull. Nora raised an unsympathetic eyebrow,

“Don’t be stupid.”

“How was that a stupid idea!” protested Kili, but he was ignored. Gandalf meanwhile, surveyed the chasm for a moment before pronouncing,

“We’d best cross now, the bridge isn’t going to get safer the longer we stand here. We’ll go in pairs.”

“Oh! Can I choose the pairings!” yelled Nora excitedly, waving her hand (and the staff it was holding) around in the air with enthusiasm that almost put another bump on Kili’s head.

“Oi!” he exclaimed barely ducking in time, but was once again ignored except for a sympathetic pat on the back by Fili.

“I don’t see why not,” replied Gandalf and Nora squealed like a child with a new toy.

“Right then,” she turned to survey the company with a creepy smile. “Avice and Thorin you first!” Both parties groaned and immediately began complaining.

“Hush, young grasshoppers,” said Nora haughtily, waving her staff threateningly, “and do as I say.”

After eyeing the staff for a moment, both decided to take the lesser of the two evils and moved to cross the bridge. After them came Oin and Gloin, nervously testing every board before taking a step.

Irritation, however, often lends itself to carelessness and this case was no different. fuming, Avice took the lead, grumbling under her breath and walking with more weight in her step than Thorin appreciated.

“Stop stomping like a child!” Thorin exclaimed as another vibration caused the bridge to sway. At that, Avice whirled on him like a tigress.

“I’m not a child!”

Unable to resist the opportunity for revenge from the eagles incident, Thorin, a grin lurking behind his stormy eyes, replied,

“Only children throw tantrums.”

“I am NOT having a tantrum!” Avice said, incensed, turning and marching onward. Thorin mumbled something sarcastic under his breath and Avice stopped.

“What was that?”

Hearing the tone of her voice, the thought that maybe this wasn’t the best idea flashed across Thorin’s mind, but his pride quickly dismissed it.

“I said that is sure looks like a tantrum to me.”

Thorin crossed his arms as Avice slowly turned to face him again. She took an ominous step towards him as she said,

“What did you-”

However, as she put her weight on the board, it caved, falling through and taking Avice’s leg with it, turning her statement into a surprised scream.

Thorin instinctively lunged forward, grabbing Avice by the waist and then throwing his weight in the other direction, causing her to be pulled out of the hole.

Unfortunately, by using his momentum, he created an awkwardly unexpected situation. Because he was holding Avice to his front and throwing his body weight backwards, he landed, face up, on the bridge, with Avice, face down, on top of him.

She stared down at him for a moment, shock clear even behind her mask.

Thorin was the first to recover and he smirked, commenting,

“You scream like a girl.” That was enough to recall Avice to her present situation and she hurriedly got off of him, accidentally, or perhaps not so accidentally, elbowing him in the face as she did so.

“Um… are you okay?” asked Oin, he and Gloin having finally caught up as Thoring stood as well.

“Fine,” called Avice, “but mind the hole here.” She turned back to continue, but not before Thorin caught a glimpse of her face.

“Are you… blushing?!” he said impulsively.

“What now Thorin?” Avice asked impatiently, turning back and confirming his suspicions. Suddenly embarrassed as well, waved her on, saying gruffly,

“Nothing. Move it.” Grumbling about ‘stupid men’ Avice did so, not even glancing back to see if the dwarven king had made it across alive until she safely reached the other side.

Seized by an unforeseen feeling of guilt, she offered her hand for the last jump over a missing board. Taking her hand, Thorin commented,

“How kind of you to notice…” Avice flashed him one of her rare, genuine grins that were always brimming with mischief and said,

“Hey, we are partners after all.”

Having seen him safely on hard ground, Avice turned to survey the rest of the company beginning to make their way across the bridge, leaving Thorin, mouth open slightly, staring at her.

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