The Decision

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To Whom It May Concern,

Dear Readers, the time has come. I posed a question to you all earlier and, for the sake of forthought and planning, I must now reach a concensus. Now, since brevity is the soul of wit (and I enjoy both wit and Shakespeare) I will be brief.

The question (in case you plowed through that author's note without reading --  it was rather important and rather sarcastic) was this: regarding the ending, which would you (the reader) prefer --  one that is realistic, but in which some characters may die, or one where everyone gets a predicatble happy ending?

COMMENT HERE if you'd prefer the realistic one.

COMMENT HERE if you'd prefer the "happily ever after" one.

If you have any thoughts or ideas that you feel should be expressed please do by COMMENTING HERE.

I will be looking at the number of comments (and reading them) to glean an idea of which way the ending will tend. However, as an author who enjoys to surprise the readers, I promise nothing.

Voting will be open until I write the ending, so even if there's updates past this note, feel free to have your say, I'll keep checking back. If the book's completed, it won't count, but if you need to rant anyway --  go for it.

Thank you for your time; may you all find many delightful books to read,


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