Dear Readers...

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THIS IS NOT A RANT ABOUT MY PRIVATE LIFE, HONEST. Please read the following notice, if you would be so kind.

To whom it may concern [HINT: if you're reading this, it means you],

Terriby sorry to interrupt our regualrily (or irregularily) scheduled progamming with this notice. Or rather several notices.


First, to ALL READERS: In a very few chapters, I will be posing a very important question to you all. As I'm planning and writing, it occured to me to get some feedback on the ending. The quesiton will be: Do you want a realistic ending where some characters may die (I promise not to go all Shakepearean tragedy on you and kill everyone) or a everyone lives happily ever after ending?

Don't answer know, just think about it.


Secondly, also to ALL READERS: I was honestly hoping I wouldn't have to deal with this... like ever. However, it has come to my attention that someone out there has begun a book where they copied my premise (the idea of the Sisterhood) and my prologue almost word for word.

Now, I won't be releasing their name because I respect their privacy. I simply wanted to let my readers know that I am aware of this and that I didn't entirely appreaciate it. Which leads me to the last bit.


TO THE PERSON WHO WROTE THAT BOOK [If that isn't you, you can skip this bit]: First, thank for this most sincerest form of flattery (please go back and reread that in Captain Jack Sparrow's voice. Your day will get about 300% better). I'll be real with you: I'm not that angry. I read what you had, thank you for not copying everything word for word and making up your own characters.

However, please be aware that I will be drawing a line. Should you, or ANYONE ELSE, copy my characters or my jokes and references, I won't be a happy author and drastic measures will be required to set things straight.

I would really appreciate some credit for the idea of the Sisterhood. If you don't want to give me credit, change the name of your group and delete or drastically change the prologue. Yeah, you changed some bits, but it was awkwardly recognizable. If you need ideas for a group name or something, message me or use an online generator. I'm full of ideas that I don't plan on using and I would love to help you if you want it (not that you need it).

I didn't comment on the story or message you (yet) because I hate it when people embarass me, so for now I'm giving you your space. Please know that I will be monitoring your story and if you cross the line that I just drew with my sparkly red marker, I will "take up arms and by opposing, end them" (I'm all about quoting Shakespeare today).

But in all seriousness, you have a great, original start (minus the prologue), please keep up the good work. I've read your wiritng, you can do better than copying my jokes and humor. I'm not saying you were going to, I'm simply asking, please don't.


Thank you for reading and please have a lovely day. I will try and update soon.



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