Find me

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Kongpob carefully peeked around the bookshelf as Arthit took his seat. He picked up the parchment and blushed prettily.

Smirking in satisfaction Kongpob retained his previous position of his back leaning against the shelf and placed his hand on his chest to feel his furiously beating heart.

He smiled. He liked it. He liked the feeling. He liked the anticipation. He liked this library and he liked that shy pretty boy Arthit. Who was still staring at that piece of parchment.

When Arthit had left his table for a few minutes, Kongpob had placed it there secretly. He had called Arthit cute in that.

And that was not the first time.

Kongpob was a staff in that library and Arthit was a regular.

And while Kongpob liked looking at Arthit, he could tell, Arthit liked reading his notes.


It wasn't that long before that Kongpob had started working in the library. Just 6 months.

It was convenient and it was perfect. And it had Arthit too.

But the problem was, Kongpob was a shy person and looking at Arthit, he could tell he was a shy person too.

So he had yet to approach him personally. And judging by the fact, how he always makes himself invisible among the books whenever Arthit comes around, he doubts if Arthit had even seen him.

He sighed as he stacked books after books in different shelves.

If this goes on, his love story will never progress.

Was two shy person falling in love even practical? Can they even start their story? Will they be compatible?

Kongpob started feeling sad at his own inability to do anything.

Arranging the books, he reached the romance section.

The perks of working in a library was, that you can read to your heart's content.

Kongpob smiled and ran his fingers through the books, but suddenly stopped and frowned. A book was kept upside down.

He pulled out the copy of 'beauty and the beast',  and placed it back properly.

Shy he may be, but careless, he wasn't.

Maybe, it was just a mistake. He thought and promptly forgot about it.

He checked the time, 5 more hours till Arthit arrives.

He eagerly waited for his crush to arrive.


Kongpob zoomed around the library. Today, when Arthit had read the note, he not only blushed, but smiled too.

In the note, kong had expressed his desire to meet him. And Arthit smiling meant, he wanted it too.

Calm down my jumping heart!!

But neither could he calm his heart, neither could he stop his bouncing steps, and nor could he control the grin on his face.

He was just turning around the corner, when Arthit walked by.

Kongpob quickly backtracked and faced the other way.

Phew! That was close.

Kongpob face palmed, just how was he gonna meet Arthit if he can't even face him.


Kongpob's usual morning routine in the library was to arrange books.

Like the books haphazardly stuffed in, books left on the table, and stocking new books too.

He was about to place a book in the romance section, when something caught his eyes.

A book place upside down again.

Kongpob sighed, what's wrong with readers nowadays. Can't they just keep it properly.

So he took out the copy of ' waiting for you' and properly placed it back.


Today, Kongpob almost laughed when he saw Arthit's reaction.

As soon as he read Kong's note, he reddened and started coughing. Then laughed.

Kongpob quickly got away. Atleast he could tell, that Arthit was open with the idea of a stranger confessing to him.

Then he started thinking, how should they meet? Was he Into boys? Would he like him back?


Kongpob was In deep thought as looked at the upturned book. He felt like he was missing something. Like there was a sequence, a hidden meaning behind all of these books.

He started wondering as he pulled out the copy of 'p.s:I love you' .

Just then the librarian called him and he forgot about it.

Later in the evening, Kongpob sneakily went to Arthit's table to place the note.

Just as he turned around to go, someone grabbed his hand and pulled him in between the shelves.

Kongpob's eyes widened as Arthit caged him in between the shelf and his arms.

He came really close and whispered,

"You know, am no cutie, I am a beast"

Then licked his neck. Kongpob gasped as the pieces joined together.

It was him!!!

Arthit smirked," took you long enough my beauty. And now that I have caught you. I won't let you escape"

Kongpob stood stunned as Arthit dropped kisses on his neck.

He was wrong. He was so so wrong.

He squeaked as Arthit grabbed his butt.

Arthit is no shy, cute person. He was just the opposite. But now atleast, he wouldn't have to worry about their compatibility.


I made up the name of the second book to fit the story 😛
The cutie on the cover is my baby 'kuro'

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