A Wish

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Like a prayer to God, every morning and every night, Arthit kept chanting his wish.

Never aloud, barely a whisper, just the movement of his lips, to know, he was saying something.

Not for human hears, neither for god too, just to the wind, maybe, they'll carry his message to the intended recipient.


"Are you wishing for something again", asked Knott for the umpteenth time, as he caught Arthit with closed eyes and a smile for the umpteenth time.

"Not for something, just one thing", Arthit smiled.


Arthit closed his eyes and recited his wish again. He had found an eyelash on Prem's cheeks. So he picked it up, placed it at the back of his hand, and made a wish.

Then blew it. And opened his eyes.

Only to find him, standing in front of him with a smile.

"What did you wished for P'Arthit?"

A soft breeze caressed Arthit's cheeks. As if they came back, to remind him and grant him his wish.

The thing, which he had been asking for day in and day out and every chance he got- courage.

He looked into Kong's eye's and answered- you.


The shortest one shot ever written by me- 190 words . Maybe next to my other one ' shake'.

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