Chapter 21

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Play the song in the media :)


After the radio guesting we go back to BigHit to continue writing the songs. We were walking on the hallway when we walk passed on Taehyung's studio. Yes, we have are own room to write or just chill.

He was with a girl. She's facing her back on us and they look like they are kissing.

"I'm sorry about everything~"
The girl said.

Jihyo:what are they doing?

Jihyo whispered to me. We hide and eavesdrop.

Jungkook: I don't know

I shrugged.

The girl is shivering and she looks down on her lap and sobs.

"Shh, don't say that. It's on the past already."

Hyung said as he caressed the girl's face.

"You hate me right?"

"Why would I hate the person that I love? I still love you and I'm sorry for acting like jerk towards you is just that I wanna show you that I'm strong without you but I guess I can't."

Wait.... Is that Tzuyu?
My eyes widen and I look at Jihyo.

She's curious.

Jihyo: What's wrong?

Jungkook: let's leave them. Let's go.

She's confused but I convinced her that we should not listen or mendling on their conversation.

We got into my studio and slumped on the couch. I guess we're both tired. I faced her and she's closing her eyes.

Jungkook: jagiya

She looks at me with her eyebrows raised.

Jungkook:I love you

There I said it. Her mouth was gaped open and she just stares at me. It somehow scares me, what if she doesn't love me back? I cleared my throat and scratched the back of my neck chuckling. I'm embarassed.

Jungkook: it's okay if you won't respond as long as you know that I love and I'm serious about you

She stares at her lap and I cleared my throat brighting up the whole room. I stood up and stretched.

Jungkook: let's continue are work, let's go

Jihyo: wait

My gaze went to her and she's staring at me tears are forming in her eyes. I panicked and sat beside her.

Jungkook: I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?

She shook her head.

Jihyo: I'm just happy

Her voice cracked and she looks at me cupping my cheeks with her right hand.

Jihyo: I thought no one will love me

Jungkook: that's not true. I love you

She nodded and look at her lap and to my eyes again. I can clearly see the world on it. She smiles caressing my face.

Jihyo: I love you too

The words she said shooked me(Jungshook😂) and I smile showing her my bunny teeth.

I lean in, closing the gap between us.

Jungkook: i love you, i love you, i love you

I said in between kisses.

Jihyo: and I love you too

Jihyo's POV😉

I never knew that someone will love me like this. My whole life, I was left to believe that I won't be able to love or be loved by someone. Even my past relationship wasn't like this. Maybe because I was too young, too dumb and to naive that time.

Jungkook, show me how it is happy to bw in love. He made me someone special in his life. He made me feel loved, protected and safe when I'm with him. I don't know when I started liking him, maybe because of the elevator thing or the kiss but knowing that he's part of my life now is unbelievable. I'm a fan of their group and a fan of him and I can't believe that we will crossed path and be with what we are now.

He whispers an 'I love you' again and I smile replying at him.

Our kiss from being sweet went deeper and became passionate. I let his tongue travels inside of my mouth as I can feel myself lying on the couch with him hovering above me.

His kisses went down to my neck as he slowly unbutton my shirt.

Jungkook: tell me if you want me to stop, i can't control myself now

He mumble sucking my neck as I moan when he found my sweet spot.
I know we just tell each other how inlove we are. I trust him and I'm willing to give everything for him. We might regret it in the end but we know we can face everyone even if the world was against us.

I hugged him whispering on his ears.

Jihyo: don't stop

This chapter is so short but i hope u still like it.

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