Horrible Day

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You let out a loud sigh as you slowly sat down onto your bed, all the stress from your awful day slowly leaving your body.

The book about Alexander's terrible day couldn't come CLOSE to how terrible your day was. Everything that could possibly go wrong did, in fact, go wrong.

Now all you had to do was curl up in a ball on your bed, and watch Netflix on your laptop until you passed out. Well, that was until you got a video request from Ashton.

Ashton your adorable, loving boyfriend, was currently on tour with his band 5 Seconds of Summer all across the US. Which meant for the past 4 months all you had for communication was the occasional text conversations and a handful of Skype calls.

It was rough since every time you had a hard day, he was usually there to comfort you since you didn't usually like to bother others with your problems. But since he had been on tour, you had barely had any chances to talk about anything going on in your life.

So naturally, you were excited to get to talk to him "face to face" and tell him about the day you had. "HI!" Ashton screamed at the camera as soon as the call connected, making both of you break out into a fit of giggles.

"You're such a nerd Ash." You chuckled, making him let out a loud laugh. "Ashton for the love of shit, can you shut up?!" You heard Michael yell from above Ashton.

Ashtons laughter cut off as he mumbled an apology before crawling out of his bunk in the bus and walking to the back for privacy.

"Hi Andy." You waved half heartily as Ashton asked him to leave the back room.

Andy waved back before Ashton turned the camera back and sat down, his full attention back on you. "Sorry about that. I forgot Mike was trying to sleep." He giggled, making you realize what type of mood he was in. Tired and happy.

You smiled sadly, you knew he was having a lot of fun on tour, but seeing it made your lonely, crappy mood feel 100 times worse.

Ashton started to tell story after story about his tour, from fans to what Calum did one night when they were out on the town. You sat and listened, trying to pay attention to his endless fun stories. "-and then the fan practically passed out at Lukes feet she was so surprised to see us." He giggled like crazy.

"That's kind of like the other day when I was out at Chipotle!" You replied, thinking back to a few days ago when Josh Hutcherson had casually walked into the restaurant and given you a heart attack. "We ate at Chipotle the other day in Houston! So many fans showed up and it was insane!" Ashton quickly interrupted, making you bite your lip in frustration as he carried on telling you about Houston.

After another 30 minutes of you trying and failing to tell stories without Ashton interrupting, you felt as if your head was going to explode. It was like no matter what you tried to say, Ashton had something BETTER to say and would just plow right through your story.

"Ashton." You pointedly spoke, making Ashton stop his story and curiously look at you. "What? Did you zone out or something? What was the last part you heard and I'll pick it up from there." He spoke casually, thinking you had done your classic tired move, zoning out and going to a totally different world.

"I didn't zone out Ash, I would just like to tell you how my day was since you told how yours was already." You watched Ashton's face as he took in your comment. "Of course! My bad, how was your day?"

You let out a long sigh, ready to finally go over every shitty thing that had happened in the past 12+ hours. "Well it started with me waking up to find out I forgot to set my alarm, so I was really late to work and my boss got-" "O my gosh that reminds me! My new alarm noise is the best thing you'll ever hear Y/N, I have to play it for you." Ashton interjected, making the already present frown become more prominent on your features.

Ashton started to play his alarm noise, making you nod slightly with a small smile before trying to continue your story. "Thats cute Ash, anyway where was I? O yea! My boss was super pissed about me coming in late again and basically fire-" "Wait did I tell you we're possibly gonna get fire for the stage performances again? I'm super pumped for it but Michael-" Ashton kept talking but you sat there staring, not believing how inconsiderate he was being.

"You have got to be shitting me." You randomly spit out, Ashton quickly stopping his story. "Yea, we got fire again, it's crazy right?" "No, what's crazy is how damn inconsiderate you're being right now Ash!" You harshly spoke, making his smile quickly fall from his features as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Wait what? What are you talking about?" "I'm talking about how you have not let me speak at all! It's like you don't care about what I have to say at all, did you not even notice when I said I got fired today?" You could feel tears slowly building as you stared into the camera.

Ashton scratched the back of his neck as he shook his head no, "I care about what you have to say babe I was just telling you my stuff as well. I'm sorry you got fired today, but you hated that place anyway!"

Silence filled the conversation as you stared at him, not believing his words. "Ashton you're talking about my old job. The one I quit, almost right after you started your tour. This was my dream job, one that I got fired from because I stayed up late last night to talk to you. But you never called. Remember?"

Ashton didn't say a word as tears slowly fell down your face. "Do you even pay attention to anything other than your band? You forgot that I quit my old job, that I got my dream job, that we were supposed to talk last night. It's like this tour is all you think and care about."

"That's not true Y/N, how can you even say that? I forgot about a few small things, what's the big deal?" Ashton immediately knew he had screwed up with that sentence when hurt flashed across your features.

"Those 'few small things' are important to ME. Everything that happens with the band, I know and care about because it's important to YOU. I've done nothing but be supportive of you being gone from home for 4+ months and all I get in return is you belittling my life because your problems are bigger and more important." You practically screamed, your throat starting to close from all of the crying.

"Y/N..." Ashton started but you held your hand up, silencing him.

"Honestly what's the point in me trying anymore Ash? I give so much and have gotten so little since you went on tour. I can't handle this. I'm done." You rambled before shaking your head and hitting the end call button, immediately cutting Ashtons pleas off.

You laid back onto the bed and let out a loud cry, sobs racking through your entire body as you cried. What a way to end an already horrible day.

AN: I had like. The worst week ever last week so this is the result. Y/Ns reaction may be extreme BUT people in high emotional stress will react in extreme ways!

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