Gotta Get Out

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Gotta Get Out by 5 Seconds of Summer

Even when the sky is falling down

Even when the Earth is crumbling around my feet

Even when we try to say goodbye

And you can cut the tension with a knife in here

Cause I know what will happen

If we get through this


"How many times have I told you, I don't approve of your relationship with this boy!" Your mother practically screamed at you, she had video called you while you were in Ashton's apartment. He had stupidly walked behind you without you noticing or him thinking about it, which immediately making your mother go on a tyrant.

You had told her you weren't seeing Ashton anymore just so she would stop hating you. Her and your father both didn't approve of him since Ashton was in a band and travelled pretty often.

"Mom he's not a boy, he's a grown ass man. Just like I'm a grown ass woman and I can make my own choices!" You argued back, absolutely fed up with her hatred of your boyfriend Ashton.

You turned to see Ashton who was trying to act like he wasn't upset about the hurtful words coming from your mother's mouth. He knew she didn't like him, and he never said it but you knew it killed him.

He wanted nothing more than to be accepted, but it just wasn't going to happen.

"If you are going to continue this ridiculous relationship with a boy who is only using you for sex when he's home, then don't bother talking to me anymore. And definitely don't come running home when you find out how many prostitutes he's had on the side." She sneered.

As soon as the phone call ended you felt all the air leave your lungs, the tension in the air was thick enough to be cut with a knife.

"I just got disowned by my own family." You whispered out, still not believing what had just happened. It felt like your whole world was falling apart, how could she do this?

"Where am I supposed to go? I haven't found a new apartment yet, she knows it's been hard for me to find one that I can afford since the last ones lease ended and the super kicked me out." You started to panic as you realized you had no place to call home now.

"Y/N. Take a deep breath babe." Ashton calmly spoke. "Look Y/N, I know everything feels like it's falling apart but I have an idea." You looked over as Ashton got down on one knee, making your whole heart stop.

"What the actual hell Ashton."

"I'm not proposing, not yet anyway." He quickly spoke making you confused. "I don't understand..." Ashton smiled slightly as he grabbed your hands.

"We gotta get out Y/N. We have to get out of this town, out of this country, just out of this environment. No one believes in us, our relationship, our dreams. I wanted to move to LA a long time ago but I had a reason to stay here. You. Now we can go together." You smiled as Ashton sat and waited for your response.

"You're right. We gotta get out of here. I love you so much." Ashton let out a triumphant laugh as he pulled you into a big hug.

"We're gonna get through all of this together. You and me Y/N. Always."

AN: Just a small little imagine. Can I just say I loveeee Gotta Get Out!

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