Part 1- Pokey Little Eyeballs

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I always knew I loved the boy next door. Even when I hated his guts there was always a voice in the back of my head that said "you'll love him one day." If only I had listened to that voice sooner. I remember the first time I saw his pokey little face peeking through a slat in my fence. It was the summer time, I was five and he was seven. I was playing in my back yard with my older brother Harrison when all of the sudden, I stop and see an eyeball staring at me and my brother. My brother Harrison had grabbed a stick and headed for our side of the fence. I slowly walked behind him curious as to see the rest of the eyeball's face. When we approached the fence the boy backed up. "Who goes there" Harrison said. "It's me Thomas, but you can call me Tom" the little boy replied. I came out from behind my brother. The boys eyes moved from Harrison to me. "I'm Harrison and this my little sister Novalee but we call her Nova" Harrison said, moving the stick to point at me. I slowly waved at the boy. He walked back up to the fence and me and Harrison walked closer. All of us continued to talk through the fence the rest of the afternoon. We found out that Tom was the same age as Harrison, he had two younger brothers and that he just moved to the area.

Soon our mother called us to go inside for dinner. "Bye Tom see ya tomorrow" Harrison shouted as me and him ran to the back door. "Bye Harrison, bye Novalee" Tom shouted through the fence. I turned around and waved to him. He waved back at me and I walked inside. "Who was that" our mother asked. "It's a new kid, his name is Tom" Harrison told our mother. Harrison had always been the one that talked more out of the two of us. I was more of the quiet laid back type while Harrison was the talkative, outgoing type. I was always looked up to him, he helped me through some of my darkest times. As we ate dinner I couldn't stop looking into the backyard through the dining room window. That night I fell asleep thinking about the boy who peeked through my fence. The next morning when I woke up I was excited to go outside and play. As I woke Harrison up and we head outside, I had completely forgotten about the boy next door. We had been playing for a couple hours before we had noticed the boy staring at us once again. I nudged Harrison and pointed to the fence. "Hey Tom" Harrison said as he saw his face. "Hi Harrison" Tom said back. Once again we had spent our afternoon talking and playing with Tom through the fence.

That night, when we ate dinner, we had asked our mother if Tom could come over and play with us. "I don't see why not, as long as his parents are ok with it" our mother responded. Our father shook his head in agreement. The next day our mother had taken us next door to ask if Tom could come play with us. A woman had answered the door, she had bright red hair and freckles across her face, holding her round stomach. "Hello can I help you" she said in a sweet tone. "Yes, I'm Maria, we live next door and my kids were wondering if Tom could come play" our mother said holding each of our hands. "Oh sure, TOM!" She had yelled into her home. Tom came running to the door, "Yes mum" he said to his mother. "I'm Nikki by the way" she held out her hand for our mother to shake. "Tom, they want you to go play, be good and come home for dinner" Nikki said to Tom as she rubbed his head. Tom walked out of his house and headed home with us. As we went through the house to go to the backyard, Tom was looking at our house. His pokey little eyes, poking everywhere. When we made it to the backyard we had played for hours. We had made up this game called "lost in the forest" and we would pretend that we were struck by a tragic event such as a plane crash of car crash and try and survive in the 'forest' with what we had already had outside. That summer there were many days we played in our backyard. The sweet memories of being a kid playing in our backyard still run in my head to this day.

The Boy Who Peeked Through My Fence - Tom Holland Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now