• fifty •

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"I love you."

Jungkook pulled Jimin into his arms, the two embracing in a tight hug. They were sitting on the couch together and had temporarily forgotten about playing with toys or acting like goofballs for a moment to genuinely share their feelings with one another. Saying 'I love you' to one another wasn't uncommon, but sometimes there was the casual reminder and sometimes there was the deep, please-don't-forget-it kind. Today they were sharing the latter.

Perhaps it was the moody rain outside or the warmth of happiness that had settled itself comfortably within the home, but there was something that seemed to have crept into the hearts of the seven men. Something that had been there for a while but wasn't really acknowledged until now.

A sense of family. That was what it was.

"I love you too Kookie," Jimin whispered but was quickly interrupted by Jin who jumped onto the pair, wrapping his arms around the two. A giggle came from all three boys.

"I love me too," Jin mumbled into Jungkook's shoulder where he'd buried his face for the hug.

It seemed that after that comment, the three fell into a deep reflection that brought them out of little space. 'I love me too', it had been said as something more of a joke but truthfully, there was so much more to that statement. The past few months had been painful struggles of battles with themselves that sometimes felt so damn exhausting. The past few months had been the same as the past few years for them – struggling with their identity and the way they perceived themselves in the mirror. But it seemed that fight was dwindling down – not meeting it's end as it truly never could – but becoming less than what it used to be.

In the past few months they'd learnt what it meant to love and what it felt like to be loved. In the past few months they'd learnt to love themselves. It had been a journey. Jungkook had come to close to rock bottom, Jimin had come close to accepting loneliness and Jin had come close to turning himself into someone others wanted to see.

A boy that sometimes hated himself, a boy that just craved love and a boy that struggled to accept himself.

A boy that now likes what he sees in the mirror, a boy that's found some pretty nice company and a boy that doesn't care what others have to say about him.

It seems that things had turned out rather nicely.

"We have to tell them," Jimin finally blurted out, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between them for some time now.

"Tell who what?" Jungkook questioned.

"The hole," Jimin answered quietly.

Before Jungkook could protest, Jin stood up straight and turned to face the table where four men were seated, laughing about a story Yoongi was sharing. Jin's moment of confidence and intention to confess was short lived – he didn't want to interrupt and he didn't want to get in trouble. For now, the hole was better off being kept secret.

"The guilt is going to kill me," Jimin dramatically sighed, clutching his chest with an exaggerated expression of pain.

"We'll do it later," Jungkook decided with a small nod of his head.

"Your 'later' is either days later or never," Jimin frowned at the boy.


The three were interrupted when both Yoongi and Taehyung called to their boyfriends, asking if they were ready to go. At the mention of leaving, Jin looked up to the clock and found three hours had already passed by. It hadn't felt like that long.

Jungkook stood up and went to the window, peeling back the curtain to look outside where the rain had grown much heavier. He'd probably die from driving with Taehyung in this weather. The man was good at driving as long as the road was dry and his vision wasn't blurred by hundreds of droplets of water.

"You're right," Taehyung commented, seeming to read Jungkook's mind as he too looked out the window, "~Joonie."

Upon hearing the man's tone of voice, Namjoon already knew what was coming, "you can sleep in the guest bedroom."

"~Joonie," Hoseok copied Taehyung's almost sing-song voice, "I walked here with Yoongi and Jimin."

"Maybe you could all squish together on the couch," Jin joked as he walked to the table.

Jungkook, looking hopeful, suggested, "how about we all sleep out here tonight?"


The moonlight that slipped through the open curtains was blurred by the still heavily pouring rain. A storm had rolled over and caused the power to cut off so the streets were as dark as the house currently was. It was lucky that they had managed to set up their makeshift beds in the living room before the lights switched off.

Yoongi was still laughing about Jin's reaction. The way the boy had screamed and practically pounced in his spot kept replaying in the man's mind.

Jimin hit the man laying next to him, "hush up."

"Sorry," Yoongi whispered as he rolled onto his side and turned to face Jimin who was barely illuminated by the pale moonlight. The most that could be seen of any of them was the outline of their silhouette.

"I'm cold," Jimin mumbled as he shimmed himself closer to Yoongi, "can you . . . hold me please?"

"I am about to cry that was so cute Jimin!" Taehyung's voice called from somewhere in the darkness, startling everyone before earning a few laughs that softly drifted into tired yawns.

Jimin was thankful for the lack of light as his face flushed a deep red. Almost subconsciously though, Jimin buried his head into Yoongi's chest. The man just about melted at the action and responded by wrapping his arms around the boy, holding him nice and close with a kiss to his cheek.

"You really are too cute."


... i have no idea what to write here *insertawkwardlaughter*

jk i lied i actually tried to plan this yesterday because i knew i wouldn't know what to write but turns out that planning didn't help so ...

anyway, first off, i just want to thank everyone who read, voted and commented on this. i'm so appreciative of all the support and i just- wurgbibwvgr - thank you so much!! i really hope you enjoyed this and ... yeah, thanks again *insertawkwardlaughterpt2*

uhh, i hope this ending was ... satisfying? it's not really exciting but hey hey what can you do now

((this actually got dragged on way longer than i intended it to be but ya girl brought in the yoonmin too late (sorry about that btw) so here we are at chapter fifty))

^ wow i just read over that and it's a cringey mess but im tired and can't be bothered to change it so here we are ^

um, thanks again (like i really mean it - i may have teared up a few times just seeing the comments, reads and votes and honestly im just wiervboq)

hopefully i'll have a new story coming soon (lmao that's a lie i'm ready to be unproductive and nap for a few days) 

anyway, i hope you have a nice day/night!!

~bye :)

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