They Journey

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I read through the letter over and over, making sure I knew where I had to be and when I had to be there. I had 4 days! I needed to start storing things out NOW! So I started right away!

Time flew by and before I knew it I was my way to the airport! I got onto the moterway which was clear for miles! I was gonna be there in no time. I turned up my music and made my way to Gatwick where I would be flying for 12 hours! Who knew that my life was going to change this much?!

After a long drive, I pulled up outside the airport and killed the engine. Excitedly, I rushed out of my car and grabbed my bags! I obviously didn't look where I was going because I smacked right into a group of boys. They looked familiar but I wasn't sure where I knew them from.

" I'm so sorry! Let me help you up!" said a really tall boy with blonde hair and a lip ring pulling me up from the floor. He had a very strong Australian accent which I thought was a funny coinsidence!

" Are you ok you hit the ground pretty hard!" another one said, kissing the back of my hand like I was royalty. this boy was pale and had bright pink hair! they all looked about the same age apart from one who looked older. He had a bandaner around his head and was holding drumsticks. The other one had dark hair and a cute little button nose which flaired as he giggled at his phone.

" Callum! Pay some attention to the pretty lady over here!" The guy with the lip ring said snapping in the boys face.

Wait! Did he call me a pretty lady?! To be honest, he didn't look too bad if I may say so myself!

" Luke's found a new friend then hey!" Callum sniggered to the other boys. Luke gave him a deathly stare.

"If looks could kill!" the boy with the drumsticks said looking at Luke.

" Give over Ash!" Luke said back at him. The one with the luminous hair walked closer and said " Hey there I'm Michael! What's your name?!" I couldn't quite get the right words out of my mouth. It was wierd! Just say your name for god sake!

" I'm Libby, Libby Hudson" I finally got the right words out.

" Beautiful name! So Libby where are you off to?!" Luke said looking right into my eyes.

"Australia. I'm going out there to study at SAoD! What about you guys?!" I asked politely even though it was quite obvious!

" Same! Bet we're on the same flight!" Ash said excitedly. I didn't want to be rude but they were REALLY getting on my nerves! I hoped there was more then 1 flight to Sydney!

Eventually after I had got away from the boys I found out that there was 3 flights to Sydney which ment that there was only a 1 in 3 chance of me having to speak to those idoits again! They were quite charming but they just went on and they got really annoying!

Once I got on the plane and sat down with my purse on the floor infront of me. it had a spare copy of my apartment address and other things to do with the acadamy. I quickly glanced at it and started to get really excited! This is it! I'm going to Australia and get one step closer to living my dream! But I didn't realise how close I already was to my dream!

I could tell trouble was coming when I heard "Ash give me the drumsticks!" OH GOD! It's just my luck to get put on a plane with them for 12 hours! Maybe if I sat next to the window and looked outside they wouldn't notice me. But of course I was wrong!

" Hey look who it is!" Is what I heard coming from behind me! I turned around and saw Luke standing there with his arms up like a six year old. I did the polite thing and forced a smile but that was a BIG mistake! He started asking me how I was and ended up sitting down! Before I knew it I was sat next to him for the rest of the journey!

About 3 hours in to the flight, I started to fall asleep. I'm not sure if he said it or I imagined it but it sounded like he said "Sleep tight beautiful!"

I woke up to an annoying boy lightly shaking me saying "Libby, Libby wake up we've landed. It's time to go!" I looked out of my window and saw a sign saying Sydney Airport in bold. I grabbed my carry on and walked down the aisle trying to get away from the 4 boys that were following me to the steps calling my name. I felt like I had left something so I quickly stopped to look in my carry on and I had my phone, iPod , laptop, purse, brown envelope and slip to give to my taxi driver. they kept shouting my name. I just ignored them. But they still followed me shouting for me. If I turned around I would have to go over there so I carried on walking until I got to my taxi.

Once I was in my taxi I was safe and on my way to my new home.

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