The Music Video

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2 days later...

I had barly spoken to Lily because she embarrassed me like that! But I guess I couldn't ignore her forever so when she told me to get up I did it. Once I had my breakfast I realised... Today was the day of the music video! OMG! I was dreading it! It would be so aqward! Having to dance with Luke after not talking to him for 2 days! I felt like not going but I thought that it would be really rude and I would probably never get a job like that again! I got a text from an unknown number saying

Hey a car will be ready for you in half an hour to take you to the set

Luke xx

HALF AN HOUR! I wasn't even dressed yet! I ran to my room and threw on some clothes that I could dance in. Just a baggy crop top and a pair of leggings. I brushed my teeth as quickly as I could and threw my hair up into a messy pony tail and put a bit of mascara on. I made a quick drink to take with me, put my high tops on, said goodbye to Lily, grabbed my bag and ran out the door. As I got to reception, Veronica pointed at a man in a suit. He directed me to a black Bentley and we set off.

We pulled up outside a huge building. I got out and walked in to find a receptionist say to me " Miss Hudson, please make your way up to the 4th floor using the lift or the stairs ( she gave me a cheeky smile) and someone will be up there to meet you."

"Thank you." I said to the kind lady. I made my way to the lift.


I was at the 4th floor. A man was standing in the hall and directed me to a room. As I stepped in, about 20 pairs of eyes looked in my direction. Michael came over to me and introduced me it the director of the video.

"Libby, this is Mr David Chambers!

Dave, this is Libby the dancer for the video." Michael said whilst pointing at each of us. We shook hands and exchanged smiles.

" Hi Libby! Call me Dave. Everyone around here does! The boys all recommended you when I asked for a dancer! They said that you were studying at SAoD! Is that correct?!" He questioned.

"Well I start in September! I moved here a few weeks ago." I replied.

"Well shall we get started?!" He clapped twice and everyone looked at him.

"Ok everybody! Lets get this show in the road! Can we have the choreographers please!" He beckoned 2 people forwards. A muscly brunette man and a tall thin blonde woman.

"Hi, I'm Andrew and this is my dance partner Annabelle." They both waved at me and walked to one side of the room. I spotted Luke instantly but didn't make eye contact.

"Ok can we have Libby and Calum first please!" Annabelle said to us. Me and Calum stepped forward. They started to teach us the dance. I was very romantic with lots of staring and flirting. I could see Luke out of the corner of my eye staring at me. Why?! Well I knew why! But he could be a bit more suttel about it!

Me and Calum finished learning our routine and were rehearsing it. Luke got called over to Dave and was talking to him, nodding as David was saying things to him. As Luke walked away, Dave picked up the microphone and said " We have had a change of plan for the video! Luke will be singing as if he is jealous of Libby and whoever she is dancing with so scrap Libby and Luke dancing! Ok carry on!" Few! It was like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders. I looked at him as he looked at me and we both quickly moved our eyes somewhere else when we made eye contact.

"What's going on with you and Luke?!" Calum asked.

"What do you mean?" OMG! This can NOT be happening right now!

" He's been fine and the since you turned up he's been acting really strange and I know that he was with you the other day." He looked curious and I was just about to tell him when Andrew asked to see the routine. Close one!

By the end of the day, I had learnt all of the dancing that I needed to learn. That was the whole dance! Before everyone got dismissed, a lady came over to me with a timetable saying when my car was going to be at SAoD and when I was doing what throughout the day.I thanked her, grabbed my bag and was about to head out the door but someone grabbed my arm. I thought it would be part of the crew then I thought OMG its going to be Luke but actually when i turned around, I saw that it was neither the crew or Luke... It was Ashton...

"Can I talk to you for a second bud?" He said to me pulling me to one side, "Our world tour is coming up soon and we still need a warm up act. I was wandering if you would like to do it for us?!" His puppy dog eyes were so sweet but I wasn't sure!

" Doesn't it have to be a singing act?" I asked trying to worm my way out of it.

"Yes it does but when me and the boys were rehearsing,I heard you singing along. You were great! I tell ya what! Here's my number. You sleep on it and get back to me! I won't say anything to any of the boys! It can be out little secret!" He winked at me and I smiled in agreement.

My life isn't going to be the same for a LONG time! I just needed to get ready for a long ride!

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