Luke Hemmings Is Mine

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Libbys POV

"Why didn't you tell me that you re auditioned with the academy?" I asked her.

" It was when you were in England and the boys asked me to go on tour with them. I realised that it would mean leaving so I spoke to Madam York and she said I could re audition. I didn't know what to tell you so I didn't." She explained.

"So you all knew about this?" I asked all of them. They all looked down at there laps apart from Ash who had a guilty face and Luke who had not expression.

"I didn't know to be honest! Don't be mad at me!" He took my hand.

"How can I be mad at you if you didn't know. The rest of you though are not in my good books! Why wouldn't you tell me?" I exclaimed. They said nothing. I looked at each of them but none of them looked back at me. "Oh forget to then!" I sighed.

I leaned into Luke and before I knew it I was asleep.


"Libby get up! We're home!" Luke whispered. I looked up and saw my house in front of me. I got out of the car and took my suitcase.

Lily and Michael went back to her house since her car was here when we left. I walked in without saying goodbye to Mikey or Lily or anyone else for that matter. I opened the door and saw my mum and sister in the lounge catching up on Eastenders.

"Some people never change!" I laughed. They turned there heads to look at me. My mum hugged me before Dani took me into the kitchen.

"So what's going on with you and Luke?" She asked.

"I spoke to him yesterday and we both apologised and made up!" I told her leaving out the whole Harry situation.

"So you're all good?" She guessed.

"Yeah apart from the fact Lily has re applied for the academy for after the tour without telling me! Other then that I'm good!" I lighted dryly.

"Why would she do that?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't know but she had the others par Luke keep it a secret from me." I added.

"Well at least you will still be living in the same area! Come on let's go watch TV." She ruffled my hair.

"You only want to go see it because you think Peter Beale is hot!" I laughed as we walked out the kitchen into the lounge where everyone was.

"There is nothing wrong with a bit of Ben Hardy." She replied sitting on the double arm chair with me.

"I never said there was." I smirked because I mean come on! He's alright!

"Back off! You have a boyfriend right there! Hardy is mine!" She argued.

"Her boyfriend might be right here but that doesn't stop her stalking Taylor Caniff 24/7!" Luke interjected.

"There we go you get Taylor and I get Ben! Sorted."

"Only if I also get Shawn Mendes aswell!" I reasoned and she nodded wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"Boyfriend right here!" Luke laughed.

"Yeah you are the only person that can say Luke Hemmings is yours and be telling the truth!" Dani said.

Luke Hemmings is mine.

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