I Love You

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Libby's POV

She's gone! My little sister! Not just my sister but one of my best friends!

I grab an old towel and press down on her chest where the gun shot is. Luckily it was on the right side so not on her heart.

I hold two fingers to her neck and after a while I hear a pulse!

"Luke! There is a pulse get an ambulance! Quick!" I sob towards the back door.

I hear him get his phone out and call 999. After a lot more crying the paramedics arrive and take over from me. The next thing I need to do is call my mum. She is going to be absolutely heart broken.

"Erm... Libby I need to show you something." Luke mumbled handing me a piece of paper.

"Oh my gosh! What's the date?!" I ask after reading it.

"November 15th why?" Luke tells me.

"No! No it can't be! It can't have happened this quickly! I thought we still had time!" I cried. "He has come back! He can't do this! Why is he doing this! Whenever things start to go right he comes along and ruins it! This time it is be WAY too far!"I carry on. Luke takes my hands.

"What does he want from you?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Money. When me, Dani and Jo were younger, he got my mum got into a few debts so my dad payed them of but then he started to drink a lot and become abusive to my mum and to me and the girls. He demanded the money back a few months ago and said we had until November 15th to get it to him. If we didn't then he would make us pay in other ways. He obviously meant like this! I knew he was abusive as I remember it, I mean I was 13 when it happened, but I didn't expect it to get to this! Now I'm standing here getting ready to call my mother telling her that her daughter has just been shot and might die by her father!" I sobbed wrapping my arms around him and holding him tight.

"Oh my goodness! How much money is it?" He asked into my hair.

"£10 000" I replied.

"Done! I can pay it! I get payed that much a in about a month!"He told me.

"No way! You cant! You have never met him and your willing to pay such a huge amount for me? You're crazy!" I told him.

"To be honest I would do anything to help you! And it does say that you would be saying goodbye to us one by one so I think we need to pay it!" He said looking at me.

"I can afford half!" I told him.

"At least let me pay the other half!" He reasoned. I nodded then walked over to Jo. She was on a stretcher and they were getting ready to put her in the ambulance.

"So what is happening? Is she going to be okay or will she... You know.. d-"

"We can't be sure yet. The injury is quite bad but with the right amount of help she could make it but please do not get your hopes up." One of the paramedics told me. "Only one of you can come in the ambulance with her so who will it be?" Another one said.

"Libby will go. I will drive down." Luke replied giving me a kiss. "Can I use Dani's car? I will be right there with you!" He asked me.

"Sure the keys are in my handbag on the dining table. I will see you when you get there." I replied kissing him again before running to my room and changing into some sweats and a tee (I only took a minute) then hurrying off to the ambulance.

She was so still, so limp. So unlike her normal silly, hyper, annoying self.

"Excuse me can I call my mother and tell her what's going on?" I asked. The paramedic nodded so I pulled my phone out and dialed my mum's number.

Falling for a pop starOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora