Back Again

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The next morning, I decided that I was going to look around the grounds of the Academy. The only places I have actually seen are the reception, my apartment and Conner's apartment. I ate my breakfast and got dressed as quickly as I could. I put on a cream baggy crop top and a pair of maroon jeans and quickly threw on some mascara. I slipped on my favourite boots and I was out the door.

I walked down the hall and out of my building. It was boiling outside! I was breaking a sweat just standing there! I walked around for a bit just looking at how beautiful everything was! There was a cute little pond with fish in them and a small cafe with little benches out side them. People were arriving and leaving the grounds. There were a lot of tears from mums that were saying goodbye to there kids for a whole year. My parents couldn't afford to come over with me so I said my goodbyes in England. It was hard because I had no clue when I was going to be able to afford to go back for visits!

After my long walk, I went back to my apartment. As I was going back, I heard a very familiar voice coming from my apartment.

"Sorry she's gone for a walk. She should be back soon though maybe you could come back later!" I heard Lily say.

" Damn it! Do you know when she's gonna be back? I really want to see her?!" I heard a male voice say. I looked round the corner to see Lily at the door with Luke and Ash. What were they doing here? Why were they both there? Did he want to talk to me? What did he want to say to me? These were all questions that popped into my head.

" No idea! Should be soon though because she left about 9 this morning." Lily replied. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was 12:47. I had been out for nearly 4 hours!

I didn't know what to do! Did I go to them and talk? Stand still and wait for them to come to me? Or run away? I had no clue. I wanted to know why they were here but I didn't want to have to talk to him for hours.

After a lot of thinking, I turned around the corner and walked towards my apartment door.

"Libby! There you are!" Ash said as I walked towards them. " Luke needs to talk to you about something." He pointed at Luke and he waved.

"Hey can we walk around and talk for a bit please?!" Luke asked.

" Uhh sure!" I replied. My head was buzzing with questions! Why did he want to talk to me? Had I done something? Did I leave something else on the plane? We got downstairs and outside.

"So I was kinda wondering if you would help me with something?!" he said when we got outside.

"What is it?" I was really curious!

"Me and the band are doing a video for a cover and we need a girl actor to dance. I know that your a dancer but there is dancing in it. You would be dancing with us so it's not gonna be some strange guy. Please say yes!" he blurted out all at once. "It will be all of us so in different scenes it will be a different guy. But it will be either me, Ash, Michael or Calum." He explained.

"What's the song?" I kept asking questions.

" It's a cover of Obviously by McFly." He answered with a grin. I thought for a few seconds but eventually said yes.

"Great!" Luke shouted," we start in 2 days!" He was really excited about this!" Do you want to get a coffee on me?!" He asked and pointed at the little cafe. I didn't say anything, I just nodded.

We sat down with our coffees and started to chat about random things like pets and school and our childhoods. We spent about an hour just talking and laughing. He was really sweet. That was when I realised... I was falling for him!

No! I couldn't be! That was Luke Hemmings! The guy who wouldn't leave me alone! I couldn't be falling in love with him! I just couldn't!

"I'm really sorry but I think I'm gonna have to go" I said as an excuse to get away.

" Oh ok! I guess I will see you in 2 days!" he replied. Luckely Ash started walking towards us.

"Yeah see you then!" I gave him a quick wave and ran back to my building. Ash tried to wave at me but I just blanked him. I wasn't thinking straight! I had to go lie down. I was probably too jet lagged! I mean come on! I was not in love with Luke Hemmings! Not Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer!

Falling for a pop starWhere stories live. Discover now