Home Sweet Home

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After a long drive from the airport, I finally arrived at the end of a long road. The gates said Sydney Academy of Dance in golden swirly writing. As we drove down the road, I looked around and saw beautifully cut grass with stunning fountains with silver and gold statues of dancers surrounding them. People were on the grass dancing with eachother or sitting having a picnic by the fountains. I knew that I would fit in here!The academy looked like the biggest mansion in the world! It was stunning.

I got inside and walked up to a smily lady at the reception desk.

"Hello there, I'm Veronica. How can I help?!" she said looking at me.

"Hi I've come here from England and was wandering where to go." I replied.

" Ah long journey then!" The chuckled to herself.

"Yeah but I slept most of the way so it's alright." I decided not to tell her about Luke and how annoying he was!

"That's good then! Can I see your forms that were delivered to you please?!" she said smiling at me. I opened my carry on and pulled out the slightly battered envelope. I handed it to her and she took out the forms and read through them. After a minute or 2 she looked in a draw and handed me a key and a piece of paper with the address on it. I thanked her and followed the signs to my new home.

It took me a while but I found a big oak door with the word Plié on the door. I took a deep breath and walked in.

It was stunning! All the walls were white with black furniture. wooden floors with black and white fluffy rugs. I was too stunned to close the door! I heard someone shout hello. I guessed I was about to meet my room mate so I answered with a jolly hello. I saw a beautiful tall girl come out of a doorway. she had long curly hair and the most stunning face. I recognised her but I didn't want to say any thing.

" Hey there I'm Lily." she said with a smile. Hang on a second.... Lily, stunning, long blonde hair, beautiful smile... I knew her! I went to dance with her since i was 4! I was sertain it was her but in some way I had to make sure!

" Lily as in Lily Thatcher?!" I couldn't have sounder more like a storker if I had tried!

"Yeah but how do you kn-" she stopped half way through her sentence, "Libby?" She looked at me squinting her eyes. I didn't say anything. I just slowly started smirking which then turned into a smile which slowly turned to a full on grin! We both screamed at the top of our voices and gave eachother a huge hug! all of a sudden we heard a boy at the door " Girls, are you alright?!"

" I guess we screamed a little louder then we thought!" I giggled. " Sorry about that I'm Libby and this is Lily." I said pointing at Lily.

"Hey!" Lily said whilst waving.

"Hey I'm Connor!" he said gleefully. "We're having a party tonight and everyone's invited its at my apartment at 9." As he said it he was staring at Lily and after he gave her a cheeky wink and left!

" OMG he is SO into you!!!" I said to Lily excitedly.

" Nah... He is quite hot though!" She admitted.

"First Australian crush." I teased.

"Well yeah after Luke Hemmings" she winked at me.

" Who's that..." I asked. She stared at me blankly.

" Are you serious?! Luke Hemmings from 5 seconds of summer..." she showed me a picture and my face dropped.

I can't believe that I just sat on a plane with Luke Hemmings and didn't realise!

" Anyway, lets get ready for Connor's party." I said to Lily as we only had 3 hours and I was still standing with my suitcases by the door.

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