Friends Can Hug Right?!

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Libby's POV

I rushed to Connors apartment. My heart was racing. I banged on the door and after what felt like hours Ellis opened the door.

"Hey Libby! Here to see ya boyfriend! It's ok Connor filled me in when he got home last night!" he grinned as I walked in.

"Mhmm Something like that!" I said nervously.

"Oh ok well he's on his room." Ellis called.

I ran up to Connors room and knocked waiting for him to answer. He opened the door and told me to come in. He tried to give me a hug but I tensed my body so he knew I didn't want one.

"What's up?" He asked looking concerned.

"I really need to talk to but I'm not sure how I should say it." I told him swallowing back the tears that were forming in my eyes. "We can't be together anymore! I'm really sorry but I just can't do it anymore! I love someone else and I think we both know who it is! I didn't want it to end so soon but I can't do it knowing that it doesn't mean anything! I probably sounds like the biggest bitch in the world right now but I don't want to hurt you! I think it's best if we just stay friends!" I  blurted out. Once I had finished I stared at my feet not wanting to see his face.

"It's ok! You and Luke will be good together! Loads of people that break up stay friends right! Let's just call it an experiment that didn't work!" He said lifting my head with just one finger. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Before we could go any further, I snapped both of us out of our thoughts and put my hand out for him to shake. He took the hint and shook it.

"Wait! Friends can hug right?!" He asked with a smile. I hugged him tight but pulled away quite quickly. I gave him one last smile and left his apartment promising my self that I wouldn't burst into tears in front of him. As soon as I got out of the apartment, I fell on the floor crying with my head resting on my knees.  After a few moments I felt a hand touch me. I looked up to see a very confused Luke. What was he doing here?!

"Libby oh my what's happened!" He asked as I stood up and wrapped my arms around him.

"We broke up. I couldn't stand the fact that you were upset over it so I ended it." I told him.

"How did you know that I was upset about it?!" He asked me.

"I saw your tweet and spoke to Ashton about it this morning. He told me that you found out and you took off this morning without telling anyone where you were going. He could tell that it was of me!" I said quickly. He looked at me with an apologetic smile.

"Aww Libby! You didn't need to do that for me! So I got a little jealous but you didn't need to ruin a perfectly good relationship!" He told me as we got into my apartment. Lily was back but she didn't talk to me. She said hi to Luke but completely ignored me . What on earth was going on?!

"So what are you going to do?!" He asked me.

"Well I can't just run back to him saying it's of we can date!" I laughed.

"So your not going to go back out with him?" He smirked slightly.

"Nah, I don't really think he was the one. You know that feeling you get when you know that it's right because every time you touch you get butterflies in you're stomach or if you kiss you feel fireworks?! I've only ever had that once for real whilst I've been here and that was when we did the obviously video!" I told him.

"Wait what! So you like Ashton!" He asked angrily. I laughed at his jealousy.

"No you idiot! What happened after the video?! On the steps?! Before we watched it back?!" I smirked as he started to understand. A smile grew on his face as he remembered that kiss.

" It was perfect!" he said grinning.

"That's exactly what I thought!" I told him.

"So we have a show on Saturday and I wanted to know what you thought about coming to see it as we have been to your show so do you and Lily want to come to our show?!" He asked completely changing the subject.

"HA! Lily won't even speak to me let alone spend the evening with me! I will and I will ask her but I'm expecting a no!" I told him.

"If I wait here why don't you go ask her then I will text the others and see what we can do for you!" He shooed me towards the living room where Lily was.

Lily's POV

I was sat on the sofa catching up on Eastenders when Libby walked in from her bedroom.

"Lily can I talk to you." She asked but I ignored her.

"Lily please!" She said slightly raising her voice. I innocently turned my head and looked at her. "Luke has just invited me and you to there gig on Saturday." She told me.

" Why don't you take your perfect boyfriend! I'm sure he would have more fun!" I spat.

"Oh um...Me and Connor broke up." she choked. I looked deep into her eyes. I felt so bad! I had ignored her all day when this was the one time she needed me most! Her first break up in Australia. I didn't say anything I just jumped up and ran to her throwing my arms around her. She quietly sobbed into my shoulder but quickly pulled herself together.

"So do you want to go?!" She asked me again and I nodded hugging her again.

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