Luke And Libby, This Is Ebony

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Libby's POV

"You ready to go?!" Luke mumbled into my shoulder. We were currently in the hotel bedroom and I was finishing getting ready whilst Luke was behind me with his arms securely wrapped around my waist and his head buried into the crook of my neck.

"Let me just grab my bag then we can go." I replied trying to move.

"Stay here!"Luke moaned squeezing me.

"I would stay but it means we can't go on our date!" I smirked. He instantly let go kissing my cheek before running out of the room. I grabbed my bag and followed him.

We walked down the giant spiral staircase until we got tired about half way so got off and took the lift! He led me outside and to a small white BMW. He sat me inside the passenger seat before running around the car to the drivers seat.

"So where are we going?" I asked eagerly as the engine roared.

"Wait and see!" He smirked at me.

"Luke tell me!" I moaned as he knew I hated surprises.

"Nope!" He said popping the P.


He ignored me.


Ignored again.


And again!

"Lukey poos!" I smirked knowing I would get a reaction out of that one.

"Lukey poos?!" He laughed slightly.

"HA got ya to talk! Tell me!" I replied.

"Nope! You will find out soon enough babe!" He laughed again. Butterflies flew around my stomach when he said Babe. He has said it before but it still got to me!

After 15 more minutes of driving, we stopped down the back of an alleyway.

"Please don't rape me!" I pleaded half joking, half serious.

"Don't worry this is just for the car! We are going somewhere else! I would never bring you on a date in an alleyway!" He chuckled getting out of the car. I got out and took Luke's hand intwining our fingers. He led me out of the alley and up the long path. Soon enough I was faced with the O2 Arena.

"What are we going here?!" I gulped.

"Well I spoke to some people and managed to get us some special tickets!" He smirked.

Then it hit me.

"The Vamps are playing here tonight!" I screeched earning a few odd looks from some girls going to the concert.

"Yup! And we got backstage passes and VIP tickets!" He beamed proudly.

I hadn't seen he boys since Luke came to England and they were at the motel. Luke pulled me towards a back door and took us inside. A security guard looked at our passes before leading us to a dressing room. He knocked on the door suddenly earning a small scream from inside.

The door swung open and someone jumped at me without me seeing who it was but soon enough I noticed a leopard print t-shirt and realised the person hugging me was Tristan.

"Long time no see Libby!" Tristan greeted me still in the doorway.

"I know I've missed you all!" I replied.

"Come in both of you! We have time before the show! I'm guessing you got you tickets just fine Luke!" Tris beamed at us.

"Yeah they literally arrived at the house the yesterday morning!" He laughed.

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