Chapter 1

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—1 year ago—

Luke’s P.O.V.

Why am I here?  I don’t want to do this.

I mentally groaned at the thought of standing in front of a ton of people while my brother and his soon-to-be wife, Celeste, exchanged lovesick vows and declarations of their eternal loyalty to each other.  Don’t get me wrong, Celeste is gorgeous and pretty awesome and I really should be happy for Ben.  But how can I be happy for someone who has the one thing that I—and probably everyone— truly wish for in this world…someone to love.  

I probably won’t be getting love anytime soon since I recently broke up with my longtime girlfriend, Aleisha.  Not by choice, but because my three best friends Calum, Ashton, Michael and I are in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer and we are going on tour soon.  They said long-distance would never work, so Aleisha and I parted ways as mutual friends (but not really since who really keeps in contact with their ex anyways).  But, still, I was pretty sad over losing the first girl I had ever truly loved to pursue a music career which I also truly loved. 

She seemed to get over it pretty quickly though as she got another “boyfriend” almost immediately and was posting pictures of the two of them every other day of their exciting adventures in Sydney, Australia.

The wedding was taking place in America.  New York to be exact because this was where Celeste grew up and most of her family was here.  The boys and I had a blast sightseeing and exploring all of the options New York had to offer.

At least Calum, Ashton, and Michael are here.  But, they are in the pews because of Jorge’s annoyingly strict rule of family only in the corridor for helping the bride get ready.

I sighed in annoyance and boredom.  Annoyance because the bridesmaid that I was walking down the aisle with, one of Celeste’s sisters Callie, would not let go of my arm.  And boredom because I’m a 16 year old guy at a wedding.  What else is there to feel like?

“The ceremony hasn’t started yet, Callie.  You can let me go for now.” I said as I took a deep breath to calm my annoyance down.  

She just smirked and faked hurt as she sneered, “That hurt my feelings, Luke.  But, I don’t really care.  I’m not letting some other slut hold onto you.”  She looked up at me and batted her obviously fake eyelashes, “Besides, don’t you want me?  You’re a 16 year old guy and I’m a hot 16 year old girl.  Unless you are blind, you have to want me.”

I pulled my arm away from her grasp and calmly stated, “You are the only slut here, Callie, and yes, you are pretty, but the fact that you know that makes the feeling of me wanting you almost nonexistent. Plus, I am almost 17 and am not blind.”

Callie just blew a bubble with the oversized wad of gum in her mouth and said, “Whatever.  I don’t need this anyways.” She turned in search of another guy who would give her attention.

Which was completely fine by me.  Why do girls even wear fake eyelashes anyways?  What are they made out of?  I shuddered as I thought about that and let out a breath of air, smiling  to myself at how I didn’t choke up when she was talking to me and actually handled the argument.  Good thing Celeste is nothing like her harlot of a sister or else this would be a long marriage for Ben. 

My dad was walking down the hallway towards the pews to find a seat and he gave me that look that all parents seem to know how to do so well.  The look that says, You.  Yes, you.  Be nice to her and behave.  Perk up and be happy or so help me I will—

The look was cut short by someone offering their congratulations to my dad.  And at just the right time too because I felt my organs start to melt under the intense heat of that look.  

The wedding planner—some uptight, prissy, and judgmental guy called Jorge who gave his opinion on just about everything—rushed into the room followed by his nervous and eager-to-please assistants. “Okay, everyone! Places! Places! It is just about to start, and we don’t want anyone to trip and fall on their face again,” he gave me a pointed look, “would we?”  

I rolled by eyes and muttered asshole under my breath.  That was one time.  ONE TIME. 

An eager Callie was rushed back onto my elbow by Jorge, who had tucked a small, white, perfect-looking daisy into the pocket of my tux a few moments before, and I sighed and faked a smile.  Let’s get this over with.

Daisies for happiness, right?  Good luck with that.  How could I feel happy when everything in my life was falling apart?  Stop that.  Keep on that happy mask for Ben.

The assistants each took hold of a door handle and I heard Jorge cue the musicians to start playing.  My anxiety started to come back.  OhgodOhgodOhgod.  I CHANGE MY MIND!  I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE!   I was in panic mode and did not want all of the seemingly thousands of people in attendance to be staring at me.  Go stare at the bride!  She's the one you all are really here for!  

The doors were swung open slowly and the music was set at a slow tempo for us all to walk down the aisle.  I started to swivel around to get the hell out of there, but Callie yanked me back into position and kept an iron grip on the inside of my elbow.  

Ow. Ow. Ow. Bitch.  I was trying not to rip my arm out of her ruthless grip, and somehow, I managed to make it down the rest of the walkway without crying.  Damn.  She’s strong.  Oh well.  At least the pain helped me forget about all of the people watching us. 

I lined up with the groomsmen on Ben’s side and she went with the bridesmaids on Celeste’s side.  I gave Callie a I don’t like you glare, but she took it as an I want in your pants look and she just kissed the air in front of her face.  I rolled my eyes in disgust and went back to watching Celeste walk down the aisle with her father.  Celeste looked classically stunning with her long-sleeved lacy dress and her long, dark, silky hair braided and pinned up into a knot with a crown of blue leaves instead of a tiara.  

My brother looked at Celeste in adoration and complete devotion.  Celeste had Ben wrapped around her finger.  I thought it was adorably cute, but some people like Callie will roll their eyes and think that love is just something only found in books and would never happen to anyone in real life.  Whatever.  Let them think what they want.

After they said their vows and kissed, they were pronounced Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings and we were all ushered to the reception by Jorge.  Finally! Food!  I can’t help that I’m constantly hungry…

I found Calum, Mike, and Ash and we walked through the doors together.

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