Chapter 18

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Sage’s P.O.V.

 When we arrived at the arena where we were performing, the boys were ushered off immediately one way and I was led down another hallway by a friendly-looking security guard named Carson. Luke’s head turned to look at me—wistfully?—but he was distracted by Calum nudging his side and saying something.  He turned back to me and I gave him a brief smile before following Carson.

Carson guided me to a door with my name on it SAGE LUCAS and led me through, closing it behind me.  I was still in shock from this whole thing and just took a moment to take it all in.  The big leather couch in the middle of the room, a large mirror propped up against the wall, a small coffee table that held a beautiful glass vase filled with daisies.  For the next few moments, I would still be the relatively unknown wannabe singer from New York.  I still had anonymity.  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  I was ready for this.

I scanned the room, taking in my surroundings and jumped back with a yelp when I saw a figure leaning against the wall by the vanity mirror.

Clutching a hand to my racing heart, I saw that the figure wasn’t some potential kidnapper.  It was my brother, Elliot.  Tears forming in my eyes, I ran up to him and he engulfed me in a bear hug that made my feet come up off the ground.  I haven’t seen him in about a year.

“What are you doing here, Elle?” I asked when we finally pulled back.  

Elliot grinned and tilted his head at me saying, “I couldn’t miss my baby sister’s first performance! This is your dream, Sage, and you wouldn’t believe how proud I am of you.  You are so talented, and it’s time to show the world.” he placed a hand on my shoulder.  “And besides,” he walked over to a basket containing fruit and pulled out two apples, tossing one to me, “Leah tells me that there was one guy in the band who was making puppy-dog eyes at you.” He smirked at me.  “I have to get my inspection done. It’s in the big brother requirements, you know.”

I tossed my apple into the air and caught it when it came back down.  Blushing, I pointed my finger at Elliot and was about to say something when I heard a knock on the dressing room door.  Yelling in his best falsetto voice, Elliot said, “Come innn!”  That earned him a look from me that made his hands go up in a show of innocence.

A young-looking lady with blonde hair came in carrying a box of hair supplies and was followed by another woman with brown, gray-streaked hair pulled up into a loose bun carrying a box of makeup supplies.

The blonde came up to me and smiled warmly holding out her hand for me to take, “Hi, Sage! I’m Shauna and I’m your hair stylist for the tour!” I shook her hand with a smile that hopefully concealed the unease I always felt when meeting new people. 

The other woman came up to me and engulfed me in a hug.  Her back was to Elliot, but from where I was, he was dying silently with laughter in the corner of the room.  “Hi, sweetie! I’m Jessica, your makeup assistant for the tour.  You can call me Jess, Jessie, Jessica, whatever you want!”

Shauna smirked at me when Jessica let me out of the hug saying, “Don’t worry, honey, that means she likes you.”

I let out a nerve-easing laugh and said, “Gotta love that then!”  I swept out my hand towards Elliot who was still laughing in the corner, but stopped immediately when they turned towards him.  “This is my older brother, Elliot Lucas.” 

They went through introductions, and I swear that I saw Elliot’s cheeks redden when his hand touched Shauna’s.  My eyes widened and I felt a smirk growing on my face.  When he saw this, he narrowed his eyes at me and stuck out his tongue.  Elliot was a good-looking, really nice guy and Shauna was such a pretty, seemingly awesome girl.  They would make a great couple.


Shauna and Jess shooed Elliot off the vanity and sat me down, trying to decide what my look would be for the tour.  Simple, but sexy? Outgoing and flirty? Edgy and free? They let me choose my own clothes for tonight since my wardrobe person was apparently sick.

I voted for casual clothes since I was already going to be uncomfortable enough out there.  After I chose a pair of black shorts with small rips and a white tee shirt with black bubble letters that said, “I’m With The Band!”, I threw on my old Vans and sat on the vanity while Jess did my makeup and Shauna curled my hair.  

I told Jess to put as little makeup as possible, and she agreed with me saying that the natural look suited me best.  When they were finished, I was turned around to see my reflection.  Jess had added a touch of concealer to hide any blemishes, curled my eyelashes upwards and added a few coats mascara, and put a bit of lip stain which gave my lips the just-bitten effect.

Shauna had turned my hair into long loose curls down my back, and after brushing them out, they turned softer and made my hair look volumized and fuller.  They stepped back to look at me and their hands went up to their mouths as they squealed and made touch-ups. 

Jess was fixing a smudge under my eye when she squealed, “I’m so excited for this, Sage!  I hope you love it!” They packed up the boxes lightning-fast and hurried out of the room. Shauna called over her shoulder, “Good luck honey!  We’ll see you tomorrow!” Jess gave me one last kiss on my cheek and then followed Shauna out.  “Few more minutes until souncheck!” a man said when he tapped on my door before scurrying away.  I could do this. I was ready.

“I think Shauna liked me.” he stated with a lovestruck look on his face.

I grinned at him and shrugged jokingly.  “Not as much as Jess liked me.” Elliot thought about that for a second, then nodded his head in agreement.

Laughing with each other and catching up on the past year that we have been apart, we walked out of my dressing room and were guided to the soundcheck room by eager to please assistants who were running around and setting things up in panicked movements.

I was so excited for the rest of the guys to meet Elliot.  When we reached the door, I put my hand over the doorknob, preventing him from barging in.  I turned to him and did my best warning tone, “Ellie, please be nice to them. They’re all really great guys.” 

Elliot scoffed playfully at me and feigned hurt. “Sagey! Have a little faith in me.” With that, he turned the knob and opened the door for me.  I turned to thank him and turned back around to see the other guys.  They all looked up from where they were tuning their instruments and smiled at me, getting up to say hello to Elliot when they noticed him come into the room with me.

Well…all except Luke, who remained in his seated position, his cold, hard eyes glaring accusingly at my brother.

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