Chapter 7

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Ashton’s P.O.V.

I pulled Leah aside from the rest of the group before we left the building with Sage.  I wanted to work out the details and ask the obvious questions.

“Hey Leah, I’m really sorry to bother you with this and everything.  But, I just wanted to—“ I started, but I was cut off by Leah.

“I totally understand.  You must have questions as to where she came from and how she got here and all the things like that, right?” she was so understanding and calm about this whole situation.  I nodded my head eagerly to get some background on this girl who just popped out of nowhere.

“Okay. Where to start? Hmmmm….well, she’s 15 years old, she is part Hawaiian from the DNA test we took to find what happened to her parents.”

I shook my head in disbelief. “Wait, wait, wait.  What do you mean by ‘find her parents’?  What happened?” I was so confused, “Did she get abandoned as a child?  Are you taking care of her?” I was instantly sympathetic.

Leah looked grim for the first time since we arrived, “No…what happened to her parents was much worse that I thought.  They died in a plane that crashed over the ocean.  Sage was with them, but somehow she managed to survive on her own, find her way to land, and was eventually found.  Since both of her parents were assumed dead, I was the one who took her and her older brother, Elliot, in since I was her mother’s best friend and she has no other family.  Yes, she lives with me currently, while Elliot is at a university.  Once I found that she had a true talent to sing, I did everything I could to harness her talent. Like signing her up for talent shows and competitions, and once I even got her to sing at a wedding.” She laughs at the memory, but her smile fades as she remembers Sage’s loss. 

My heart was heavy as I felt compassion for this brave girl who managed to survive and be happy despite all of the odds against her.  I took in a deep breath and brought my hands up to my head to rest there.  “Is she…alright now?”  I was concerned for Sage and felt my big brother instincts kicking in.

Leah nodded reassuringly, “Oh yeah, she is completely fine, except for a nightmare here and there which is understandable.”  I nodded in agreement and asked, “So when you noticed her talent, you brought her to your company?”

She bobbed her head up and down as she said, “Of course! I would do anything for Sage.  Which reminds me…I know you guys are great people, so I know you would never do anything to hurt her,” she gave me a joking warning glance and continued as I put my hands up as a show of innocence, “and she’s completely fine with guys, but it just takes her a while to warm up to people.  Once she does though, phew!  You better watch out, because she is a talker.  Please promise me you will protect her though.  I know you know how crazy those fans can get.” Leah grins in adoration towards Sage who was giggling at Calum making silly faces at Luke and her. 


I chuckled at their antics and turned back to Leah after nodding at Michael who signaled to me that he was hungry by pointing at his mouth with a sad face.  I shook her hand and promised to protect Sage after thanking her for the great opportunity.  I turned to leave Leah’s office with the guys and one other unexpected member of the group.

 I vowed right then and there that I would be her protection and I would make sure the other boys would as well.

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