Chapter 26

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Luke’s P.O.V.

When we got to the arena, we were already running late, no time for fan pictures.  We were rushed by security into the building and to the dressing rooms.  Since there was only one dressing room, all five of us had to share one.  

This was one of our last shows until we had to fly to Australia to do the last half of the tour.   think that we are currently in Tennessee.  

The other guys took notice to Sage’s nickname and started calling her that as well.  I tried not to get too miffed about that, since she wasn’t mine to feel possessive over.

While Dee’s hair and makeup ladies were getting her ready, I gestured for everyone to meet up with me outside the room for a few moments.  I wanted to plan something special for her birthday, but I needed their help.


By the time we were finished planning, Dee was already finished with getting ready and walked out of the dressing room so we could start the soundcheck.  Through the whole thing, the guys and I were giving each other secret smiles when she wasn’t looking.  She had no idea what we had planned for her birthday.  

Since we had a few hours, I sent out a tweet for all of the fans to wear some green clothes, green being Sage’s favorite color.  Ashton found where her phone was and hid it so she wouldn’t get any hints from the fans.

“Have you guys seen my phone?” Sage asked while lifting up a few couch cushions and looking around the room.  

Ash flicked a glance at the refrigerator and shook his head, “Nope.  Maybe you left it in the dressing room?”  

Her mouth twisted to the side and she shrugged.  “Maybe.  That’s weird.  I would’ve sworn I had it.”

Then the refrigerator started to chime with her ringtone.  “Umm…that sounds a lot like my phone.”  She said as she continued to look around the room.  When Sage was crouched down looking under the couch, I looked to Ash and gave him a “What the fuck?!” look, he just face palmed and Cal punched his arm.  Mike was standing behind Sage and trying to distract her and making noise so she couldn’t pinpoint where the noise was coming from.

“Uhhh…it’s one of those new fancy fridges where it makes a noise when someone gets a water.” I said as I pointed to the cup that Calum had filled up while her back was turned and he held up to her.

She looked mildly suspicious, but she nodded at me and narrowed her eyes ever so slightly.  She finally grinned and rolled her eyes when I gave her a sheepish closed mouth grin.  We all breathed out a sigh of relief and went back to soundcheck.

When the backstage assistant knocked on the door a few hours later to tell us that the show was about to start in a few minutes, I hoped that this birthday plan for Sage was going to go well.

Mike and Dee were running ahead of us and jumping around like crazy people.  Trying to pump everyone up for the show by stopping in the middle of the empty hallway and leapfrogging over each other for a few feet.  It ended abruptly because Sage had trouble jumping over Mike since he was a lot bigger than she was.  

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