Chapter 3

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Luke’s P.O.V. 

Our plates were just being cleared away when we heard the emcee announce that there would be the first dance for the newlyweds at the dance floor in a few minutes and that there would be a live singer and the brother of the groom’s band performing so we “didn’t wanna miss a minute of it.” Oh. Yeah. That’s us.  I had completely forgotten that we were performing and we began to go over the lineup which was mostly just covers of songs.  Nothing too punk rock for obvious reasons.  

The emcee called us all over to the dance floor and basically threatened to give us bodily harm if we tried to escape.  Well, okay then. Even though we got up with everyone else, we somehow ended up in the back of the crowd, and let me tell you that my family is not a short family.  It was basically trying to see through trees, so eventually the four of us ended up listening to the singer instead.  

And her voice was truly amazing, but young and sweet, so she couldn’t have been more than 13 or 14.  The song she was singing was a slowed down, softer version of “The Prayer” by Celine Dion.  Everyone in the audience quieted down to listen to her instead of watching the oblivious couple as they gazed into each other’s eyes.  Ashton and Calum’s eyebrows shot up to their foreheads and Michaels mouth dropped open.  “Wow.” Ash whispered to me.  I didn’t answer, but I just looked at him and nodded my head slowly in approval.  

Out of all the things to remember out of a wedding; the cake, the dresses, the people, or the fun,  the most important memory that I have of that wedding is of the young wedding singer with the stunning voice, but no face to go with it.

I looked down to the daisy that was still in my pocket.  It seemed to glow brighter.  Maybe things could get better.

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